View Full Version : Depersonalization/Derealization Help

08-21-2014, 12:00 AM
Hi Everyone! I've been struggling with anxiety/panic/depression for more than a year now, and for most of that time I have had derealization problems. Everything feels muted as if nothing is real, even though I know life is real, it doesn't feel that way. I just feel disconnected from the whole world. I have talked to my counselor as well as my psychiatrist about this and they haven't been much help. Do any of you know what could help ease this feeling? Thanks xx

08-21-2014, 02:29 AM
Hi Everyone! I've been struggling with anxiety/panic/depression for more than a year now, and for most of that time I have had derealization problems. Everything feels muted as if nothing is real, even though I know life is real, it doesn't feel that way. I just feel disconnected from the whole world. I have talked to my counselor as well as my psychiatrist about this and they haven't been much help. Do any of you know what could help ease this feeling? Thanks xx

Hi Emmalu,

I know what you are going through. I been suffering for GAD and agoraphobia for about seven years. In the beginning I got severe depersonalization and I always felt like I wasn't really there. Like things around me were like a dream and it wasn't real. Unfortunately this is so common for an anxiety disorder. Personally, I can't speak for everyone, this feeling started going by doing daily relaxation. For me it was meditation. Especially when I have elevated anxiety levels I do a half hour meditation. I feel so relaxed after and it helps to reduce these strange feelings. I can assure you that these feelings will go during treatment, it just takes a lot of practice and patience. Even though I am still struggling with agoraphobia, I am getting better by sticking to my treatment. You'll have days that are difficult, but you'll have victories to. I'm sure you can do this, because you been brave for so long dealing with what you have.

08-21-2014, 08:34 PM
Speak to Professor De Real that comes on here

He is so well versed with this

AliaisEQ is his name here

PM him

He will straighten you out

08-21-2014, 08:45 PM
Ive experienced this before its pretty scary. I had a bad case of it over the holidays one year and i found that forcing myself to engage with others helped a lot. Being lonely in that situation is the last thing u want because a lonely mind is the devils playground.

08-27-2014, 01:55 PM
Hi Everyone ! Thank you so much ! I've been feeling better but it comes back it episodes so we'll see !!

08-27-2014, 03:06 PM
Hi Everyone! I've been struggling with anxiety/panic/depression for more than a year now, and for most of that time I have had derealization problems. Everything feels muted as if nothing is real, even though I know life is real, it doesn't feel that way. I just feel disconnected from the whole world. I have talked to my counselor as well as my psychiatrist about this and they haven't been much help. Do any of you know what could help ease this feeling? Thanks xx

Hey Emma! :)

I went through derealization/depersonalization aswell. Worst thing I've been through, especially not knowing anything about it. I actually thought I was going out of my mind.

To put your mind at ease - It's not going to harm you in anyway, you won't lose control or go crazy and it won't stop you from doing anything. It's near zero chance that it's permanent.

To get rid of this, you need to have patience. I know it's hard, but that's the key. Ideally, you also want to learn to control you anxiety/panic/depression. I found a combination of supplements, exercise, meditation and a healthy diet which helped me alot. It can be anything, but learn to deal with your anxiety. Because it's the anxiety that's causing the DR/DP, not vice versa.

Once you've dealt with your anxiety, learn to not fear it. Don't fear that feeling, because it's the fear that's causing the feeling and making it stay. Once I knew it couldn't harm me - I started enjoy it instead. And guess what? It disappeard. Life is funny huh.

Just live your life normally, as if it's not there. It's hard, but fake it til' you make it. Because feeding it and always focusing on it; is what's making it stay!

Wish you the best! :)

Elias aka Proffesor deReal

08-27-2014, 07:44 PM
Hey Emma! :)

I went through derealization/depersonalization aswell. Worst thing I've been through, especially not knowing anything about it. I actually thought I was going out of my mind.

To put your mind at ease - It's not going to harm you in anyway, you won't lose control or go crazy and it won't stop you from doing anything. It's near zero chance that it's permanent.

To get rid of this, you need to have patience. I know it's hard, but that's the key. Ideally, you also want to learn to control you anxiety/panic/depression. I found a combination of supplements, exercise, meditation and a healthy diet which helped me alot. It can be anything, but learn to deal with your anxiety. Because it's the anxiety that's causing the DR/DP, not vice versa.

Once you've dealt with your anxiety, learn to not fear it. Don't fear that feeling, because it's the fear that's causing the feeling and making it stay. Once I knew it couldn't harm me - I started enjoy it instead. And guess what? It disappeard. Life is funny huh.

Just live your life normally, as if it's not there. It's hard, but fake it til' you make it. Because feeding it and always focusing on it; is what's making it stay!

Wish you the best! :)

Elias aka Proffesor deReal

When da professor speaks about this, there is nothing more that can be said

He speaks, then goes out of his home to the land of beautiful people and just disappears

He's kinda like Superman

08-28-2014, 04:59 PM
When da professor speaks about this, there is nothing more that can be said

He speaks, then goes out of his home to the land of beautiful people and just disappears

He's kinda like Superman

Hahahaha omg I'm dying of laughter here :D

08-29-2014, 08:56 AM
Depersonalization/derealization is a cause of the constant worry the mind suffers when highly anxious. Think of it as you getting no sleep. Eventually the mind breaks down and causes a variety of sensations. Depersonalization is just the result of constant worrying, the mind needs to RELAX. Get some rest, do things that quit you from worrying and let your mind just relax.

Feel well :)

06-06-2015, 12:14 PM
Hey Emma! :)

I went through derealization/depersonalization aswell. Worst thing I've been through, especially not knowing anything about it. I actually thought I was going out of my mind.

To put your mind at ease - It's not going to harm you in anyway, you won't lose control or go crazy and it won't stop you from doing anything. It's near zero chance that it's permanent.

To get rid of this, you need to have patience. I know it's hard, but that's the key. Ideally, you also want to learn to control you anxiety/panic/depression. I found a combination of supplements, exercise, meditation and a healthy diet which helped me alot. It can be anything, but learn to deal with your anxiety. Because it's the anxiety that's causing the DR/DP, not vice versa.

Once you've dealt with your anxiety, learn to not fear it. Don't fear that feeling, because it's the fear that's causing the feeling and making it stay. Once I knew it couldn't harm me - I started enjoy it instead. And guess what? It disappeard. Life is funny huh.

Just live your life normally, as if it's not there. It's hard, but fake it til' you make it. Because feeding it and always focusing on it; is what's making it stay!

Wish you the best! :)

Elias aka Proffesor deReal

Anybody looking for advice on DP can't go wrong if they read the old posts of Professor DeReal.