View Full Version : tips to control thoughts before bed. . .

08-20-2014, 08:59 PM
anyone have any tips for helping to control thoughts before bed?

I was getting ready to go to bed...in fact, was in bed. . .when the thought struck me "What if I have a stroke while I am sleeping?". . . and cue the anxiety and restlessness.

I do usually sleep with my ipod. When I am listening to something, it helps keep my mind from racing.

Any other thoughts?


08-20-2014, 09:11 PM
I meditate before sleep
Welcome to the forum

08-21-2014, 02:34 PM
Hey Rev, Dahila's suggestion works well, meditate, clear the mind. If not Guided Imagery works well. Search Youtube for a couple of videos. I also use the KP.org Podcast for sleep


Try this before you go to sleep!

08-21-2014, 03:27 PM
Hi Rev,

Dahila and Exactice are right on the money. Meditation and guided imagery work amazing. I use some self-hypnosis programs I downloaded from the App Store on deep sleep and also anxiety relief. They work amazing! It takes a few times to do the programs but they really do help you re-focus and relax.

Try any or all, you will find one which suits you and if you like it you will be more inclined to use it.

A hugely helpful way to relax!
Good luck!

08-21-2014, 08:18 PM
I follow in the steps of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ (my apologies, Ponder)

I throw a few glasses of wine back, although I haven't yet mastered the whole water into wine thing. I gotta buy it from the Korean guy up the street that has a lisp and wears odd shoes

Wine cools me out a bit

I wish I was deeper than that. But I am not

I just took advantage of what is available

Not encouraging you to self medicate though

Meditate after a glass or two of the vino

That will. A e you feel better about drinking a bit

Bottoms up!

08-21-2014, 09:09 PM
Oh Nixon everyone uses what they have at hand. The closed thingy i have here is clonazepam and herbal tea. So I pop it in, then put my headphones on , after 47 minutes something wakes me up....snoring maybe hehe
You believe in Jesus , I believe in power of our mind. Whatever we believe should not make us enemies. The good thing is diversity:) I really like your sense of humour and you always make me smile, every time:)

08-21-2014, 09:17 PM
Oh Nixon everyone uses what they have at hand. The closed thingy i have here is clonazepam and herbal tea. So I pop it in, then put my headphones on , after 47 minutes something wakes me up....snoring maybe hehe
You believe in Jesus , I believe in power of our mind. Whatever we believe should not make us enemies. The good thing is diversity:) I really like your sense of humour and you always make me smile, every time:)

If I was Polish, we would be Polish soul mates

We would grow some great Canas.

08-22-2014, 07:02 AM
I am smiling again, and it is not easy to put smile on my face :)) Thank you my friend , soul mates, not so easy to find, :))

08-22-2014, 02:55 PM
HAHAHAH I smiled too, Nixon a great way to blend your thoughts!