View Full Version : when anxiety lasts for over a week......

Autumn Hazel Rain
08-19-2014, 06:50 PM
After loosing my job last Wednesday, I have been experiencing anxiety attacks everyday and when i sleep, unless I go to bed drunk :P I just think its interesting that the mind and body can overpower one's own will. Has anyone else experienced this? Maybe when I get a job, the anxiety will go away. But I am also one those people that thinks too much and wishes that existence for us was different. Also, as a sidenote, I have been suffering with anxiety for over 10 years, am not seeing a therapist, nor on any medication. Just trying to get by.....


08-19-2014, 07:36 PM
Yeah well I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Panic Syndrome, so it's safe to say I feel anxious every day, with some variety in severity. It sucks!

Autumn Hazel Rain
08-19-2014, 07:39 PM
it sucks monkey balls! thanks for the response. What do you do to feel better?

08-19-2014, 07:39 PM
Your wishes of difference for us is being viewed in the broader spectrum and not reflected back on yourself. You're mentally projecting your ideals that you hold for yourself. A common phenomenon when anxiety causes us to displace our ideals. We wish them upon others, despite positive or negative.

Focus on changing the world for yourself. You will learn to appreciate what you choose and also avoid the things you wish to avoid in that aspect. Your anxiety will improve greatly, and as a new job will make you happy and you acknowledge this. Focus on doing more for yourself that you not only want and desire. But need. Take care of your humanly needs and your desires will come true. Focus on the proper desires. Give back to people and they will do the same. We can make an impact on people, impacting the world on a large scale is improbable. But who knows who'll see posts such as this and feel inspired? My message has been heard and I've now contributed. That's another of your needs, to contribute goodness to others. You can do so, just set your mind to it.

Do well :)

Autumn Hazel Rain
08-19-2014, 08:02 PM
thankyou very much for the response! Your words are helpful and wise :)

08-19-2014, 08:12 PM
Autumn to lose a job in today work market it is a traumatic expierence, not doubts you are anxious. I still work and I am anxious every day, who knows what tomorrow brings....Not easy to exist in today world,,

08-19-2014, 09:43 PM
While you are jobless, have a blast, be happy and drink too much

Losing a job blows and cam cause emotional hell

Be the one who doesn't get depressed, but the one who drinks too much since she doesn't have to go to work tomorrow

You will get a job soon . Enjoy the time you don't have to work

Don't smoke crack or anything. That will make you never want a job and then you will just get blisters on your face and that's never attractive.

Autumn Hazel Rain
08-20-2014, 12:32 AM
thankyou and you are right. its just this time it feels different, like I cant snap out of it.Hopefully after I find a new job, my anxiety will be more controllable.
Autumn to lose a job in today work market it is a traumatic expierence, not doubts you are anxious. I still work and I am anxious every day, who knows what tomorrow brings....Not easy to exist in today world,,

Autumn Hazel Rain
08-20-2014, 12:34 AM
hahaha! thanks Nixon :) i did drink too much last night, and sadly it attributes to my anxiety, for whatever reason. But you are right as well. DONT WORRY BE HAPPY NOW!
While you are jobless, have a blast, be happy and drink too much

Losing a job blows and cam cause emotional hell

Be the one who doesn't get depressed, but the one who drinks too much since she doesn't have to go to work tomorrow

You will get a job soon . Enjoy the time you don't have to work

Don't smoke crack or anything. That will make you never want a job and then you will just get blisters on your face and that's never attractive.

08-20-2014, 02:13 AM
Sometimes I feel like being drunk is the only way I can get myself to calm down and pass out....... unfortunately, this is my scenario right now. I'm 18 years old and I slowly feel like alcohol is the only thing i can turn to.

I get your anxiety......you are not alone!!!

08-20-2014, 02:59 AM
After loosing my job last Wednesday, I have been experiencing anxiety attacks everyday and when i sleep, unless I go to bed drunk :P I just think its interesting that the mind and body can overpower one's own will. Has anyone else experienced this? Maybe when I get a job, the anxiety will go away. But I am also one those people that thinks too much and wishes that existence for us was different. Also, as a sidenote, I have been suffering with anxiety for over 10 years, am not seeing a therapist, nor on any medication. Just trying to get by.....


What I come to realize is that people handle stress differently. The only thing that is different to us is that we are quite sensitive to it.
I know what you feel and what you are going through. Also the thinking pattern is very close to mine. I think it may be good to have a look at what you are thinking. Maybe you're putting yourself down without even knowing it? Maybe you're blaming yourself? In any case, we can't change ourselves if we can't change how we think. And trust me, I know how hard that can be!

Autumn Hazel Rain
08-20-2014, 04:12 AM
oh how i know what you mean and am in the same exact boat as of late. I did that the other night, and it worked. but now sober, iam up til 5am, sipping tea, and wishing i had a nip o whiskey ;p however, 18 is young for needing alcohol to soothe oneself, have you tried other remedies? tea, meditation, walking outside, or breathing techniques?
Sometimes I feel like being drunk is the only way I can get myself to calm down and pass out....... unfortunately, this is my scenario right now. I'm 18 years old and I slowly feel like alcohol is the only thing i can turn to.

I get your anxiety......you are not alone!!!

Autumn Hazel Rain
08-20-2014, 04:15 AM
Thank you Kixxi! And yes, youre right. I do blame myself for loosing my job, however, I also have a lot of debt, worry what my boyfriend thinks of me, and feel at a loss, in general. I am trying to be more positive with the given situation. It's been a week. I guess only time and my mind will tell.
What I come to realize is that people handle stress differently. The only thing that is different to us is that we are quite sensitive to it.
I know what you feel and what you are going through. Also the thinking pattern is very close to mine. I think it may be good to have a look at what you are thinking. Maybe you're putting yourself down without even knowing it? Maybe you're blaming yourself? In any case, we can't change ourselves if we can't change how we think. And trust me, I know how hard that can be!

08-20-2014, 06:04 AM
After loosing my job last Wednesday, I have been experiencing anxiety attacks everyday and when i sleep, unless I go to bed drunk :P I just think its interesting that the mind and body can overpower one's own will. Has anyone else experienced this? Maybe when I get a job, the anxiety will go away. But I am also one those people that thinks too much and wishes that existence for us was different. Also, as a sidenote, I have been suffering with anxiety for over 10 years, am not seeing a therapist, nor on any medication. Just trying to get by.....


I've had panic disorder and depression for about 7 years and after I was first diagnosed I was having attacks everyday and multiple at that. You say that you aren't on meds or seeing a therapist but are you open to trying one or both? Therapy could help you with managing your thoughts.
My therapist has coined this term called negative reel which is basically when I start thinking negative and/or anxiety provoking thoughts. Her advice to me is to try and change the reel for something that is more realistic and positive. I'm not sure if it would help but perhaps you can try and distract yourself from those thoughts that are making your anxiety build up until you have an attack.
I'm also sorry that your lost your job. That definitely qualifies as a stressful life event so that can definitely spur on your anxiety. I'm not sure what I would do if I lost mine, that's the only thing that keeps me sane most days.

Autumn Hazel Rain
08-20-2014, 08:29 AM
wow, superchick, you really hit the nail on the head for me. I would be open to a therapist, but only if they were the real deal and not just pill pushers, ya know. and this negative reel concept, makes complete sense. Are you dealing much better with your attacks? My new distraction that works the best is this forum and my writers forum. otherwise, I feel stuck in my thoughts, and my anxiety has taken over my body. best to you all. Autumn.

I've had panic disorder and depression for about 7 years and after I was first diagnosed I was having attacks everyday and multiple at that. You say that you aren't on meds or seeing a therapist but are you open to trying one or both? Therapy could help you with managing your thoughts.
My therapist has coined this term called negative reel which is basically when I start thinking negative and/or anxiety provoking thoughts. Her advice to me is to try and change the reel for something that is more realistic and positive. I'm not sure if it would help but perhaps you can try and distract yourself from those thoughts that are making your anxiety build up until you have an attack.
I'm also sorry that your lost your job. That definitely qualifies as a stressful life event so that can definitely spur on your anxiety. I'm not sure what I would do if I lost mine, that's the only thing that keeps me sane most days.

08-20-2014, 08:52 AM
Feeling stuck in thought can easily be remedied. As long as your thought process is a positive one, carry out your thoughts. If your thoughts are along the line of positive and negative, example "I know I want to do this but just can't right now". Subtract the negative portion and you see what you desire, make it happen. In whatever way possible make it happen. Do that for everything and climb up the ladder that is your chain of thought.

Meet you at the top :)

Autumn Hazel Rain
08-20-2014, 08:58 AM
thanks xerosnake, you are right. But somethings are easier said than done, at least for me. I feel once I get into a new situation, job and whatnot, then maybe my mind will follow with this path of change...

Feeling stuck in thought can easily be remedied. As long as your thought process is a positive one, carry out your thoughts. If your thoughts are along the line of positive and negative, example "I know I want to do this but just can't right now". Subtract the negative portion and you see what you desire, make it happen. In whatever way possible make it happen. Do that for everything and climb up the ladder that is your chain of thought.

Meet you at the top :)

08-20-2014, 11:11 AM
wow, superchick, you really hit the nail on the head for me. I would be open to a therapist, but only if they were the real deal and not just pill pushers, ya know. and this negative reel concept, makes complete sense. Are you dealing much better with your attacks? My new distraction that works the best is this forum and my writers forum. otherwise, I feel stuck in my thoughts, and my anxiety has taken over my body. best to you all. Autumn.

In terms of attacks I'm better off now than I was after I was first diagnosed about 7 years ago. My last panic attack was about 2-3 weeks ago but at that time I had three panic attacks in a 24 hour period and 2 of them happened within about a hour's time. My main issue is having anxiety on a daily basis even when there's nothing to worry about. I just went to my gp yesterday (after stalling for months) to ask about going back on antidepressants. He prescribed Lexapro and I took my first dose before I went to bed last night. Right now I'm not sure how to feel about it, I'm kind of irritable today.
I've found that the best thing for my anxiety is to distract myself as well so I'm glad that you have found a few things that work for you. If you decide to go the therapy route be sure to be picky about who you go to. You'll need to pick someone that you feel like you can trust and that will listen. I just went back to therapy in April and have found it to be beneficial thus far. Hope things get better.

08-20-2014, 12:02 PM
How to cope?
Basically just... get along with it. Just learn from experience that the feelings are indeed creepy as shit but it won't hurt me for real. I also take strong meds and go to therapy so there's that, hahaha. I still get it though, so I guess you could say therapy and/or pills doesn't make it happen. It won't make it go away.

08-20-2014, 12:48 PM
annakatarinas is right, accept it, then you learn how to response better to stress. Train you anxiety :)) Anxiety is natural and everyone has it. It is a tool to manage safety. Of course it is not necessary in our life right now. The speed of life and ocean of information which overwhelms us at times, does not help either.
Most people can reprogram themselves, and that people are our success stories. We have many of them on this forum:)

Autumn Hazel Rain
08-20-2014, 02:42 PM
Thanks a lot superchick and I am glad things are looking up for you. When I get a job and hopefully affordable insurance, I will surely look into a therapist, more of a spiritual one. I tried Lexapro once about 7 years ago and had a bad experience. Thanks again for your insight :)

In terms of attacks I'm better off now than I was after I was first diagnosed about 7 years ago. My last panic attack was about 2-3 weeks ago but at that time I had three panic attacks in a 24 hour period and 2 of them happened within about a hour's time. My main issue is having anxiety on a daily basis even when there's nothing to worry about. I just went to my gp yesterday (after stalling for months) to ask about going back on antidepressants. He prescribed Lexapro and I took my first dose before I went to bed last night. Right now I'm not sure how to feel about it, I'm kind of irritable today.
I've found that the best thing for my anxiety is to distract myself as well so I'm glad that you have found a few things that work for you. If you decide to go the therapy route be sure to be picky about who you go to. You'll need to pick someone that you feel like you can trust and that will listen. I just went back to therapy in April and have found it to be beneficial thus far. Hope things get better.

Autumn Hazel Rain
08-20-2014, 02:46 PM
Thanks for the advice anna. I have been getting along with, dealing with, and coping with anxiety and depression for over 10 years now, without meds or therapy. The problem is not me accepting this, I have, trust me, its more along the lines of why is it so uncontrollable right now. I am also aware that this never goes away, my point is after having some trying times recently, my stress levels have elavated. But good on you for sounding content in your situation.

How to cope?
Basically just... get along with it. Just learn from experience that the feelings are indeed creepy as shit but it won't hurt me for real. I also take strong meds and go to therapy so there's that, hahaha. I still get it though, so I guess you could say therapy and/or pills doesn't make it happen. It won't make it go away.

Autumn Hazel Rain
08-20-2014, 02:49 PM
iam in such a process as we speak, thanks Dahlia. However, not everyone experiences such problems the same, nor is there one solution for everybody. Again, this isnt about me accepting the fact that I have anxiety, been there done that, its more about me understanding why it is suddenly more prevalent and exhausting than normal.

annakatarinas is right, accept it, then you learn how to response better to stress. Train you anxiety :)) Anxiety is natural and everyone has it. It is a tool to manage safety. Of course it is not necessary in our life right now. The speed of life and ocean of information which overwhelms us at times, does not help either.
Most people can reprogram themselves, and that people are our success stories. We have many of them on this forum:)

08-20-2014, 03:51 PM
Thank you Kixxi! And yes, youre right. I do blame myself for loosing my job, however, I also have a lot of debt, worry what my boyfriend thinks of me, and feel at a loss, in general. I am trying to be more positive with the given situation. It's been a week. I guess only time and my mind will tell.
Hi Autumn,

I really know where you're coming from. I always worry what people think of me, I always want people to like me and I hate showing people vulnerability. I always need to be perfect. It is very hard for us to let go of that perfection image, even with the people we hold dear. It is a long process to change the way you think, but it isn't impossible. I started a few weeks ago, and I start to feel differently and more content with myself. It does take some time, but you deserve it.

08-20-2014, 06:56 PM
Autum I really understand. There is nothing in anxiety I do not. Years and years of struggling. :(

08-21-2014, 01:03 PM
oh how i know what you mean and am in the same exact boat as of late. I did that the other night, and it worked. but now sober, iam up til 5am, sipping tea, and wishing i had a nip o whiskey ;p however, 18 is young for needing alcohol to soothe oneself, have you tried other remedies? tea, meditation, walking outside, or breathing techniques?

Yeah i'm aware 18 is fairly young.. this obviously isn't something I do for weeks on end to the point where i'm sick to my stomach. I'll go through a few phases of drinking a few nights in a row and then stop doing it.

I think i'm going to get some tea's and/or sleep pills (like melatonin) once I learn more about them. Thanks!!