View Full Version : Really upset and need support...

08-19-2014, 04:50 PM
Hi guys... Havent been on here for a while, my therapist is leaving in 2 weeks.. Now we were more friends than therapists and i trusted and knew her more than any of my so called 'friends' each day im crying for ages about it and not being able to sleep on the nights!

In other news haha, im panicking my heart more than ever, i have stopped certain things to avoid it and my emet stops me going out at all really anyway! Im just terrified... Not being able to breathe scares me most!

08-19-2014, 05:37 PM
I know the feeling of being forced to say goodbye to someone that means so much to you. I went through this after graduating highschool and having to part from my guidance counsellor and the school's child and youth worker. I can always go and visit the guidance counsellor but the CYW retired... it's extremely sad knowing that the relationships i had with these two adults who helped me through so much are no longer apart of my life.

With that said, i've made so many more relationships within the past year that have been able to fill the gaps of the people i've been forced to leave in the past. At first it really does hurt, but it gets easier over time. Trust me!!! I have first hand experience with this and it does get better.

You will find another therapist and you can keep on looking until you find one that is just as good as the last one, if not better. Hopefully you will be given the help you need to be able to overcome your fear of being out in public with your emet/breathing difficulties.

In the mean time, stay busy and try not to spend too much time dwelling on the loss of your friendship. It's easier said than done (of course) but just try to keep yourself occupied with other things to ease the pain! Exercise.. go for a nature walk.. start a new TV series or hangout with people where you feel comfortable.

It gets better. Good luck :)

Autumn Hazel Rain
08-19-2014, 06:16 PM
I know the feeling! My best friend moved away, and she was the one that really understood me. We still keep in touch over the phone almost everyday, and I suggest trying that with your therapist :) As for the breathing, I totally can relate to that, as I was feeling like that earlier today. Try going for a walk, stretching, breathing through one nostril or drinking some tea. Also, writing helps me feel better.

All the best!