View Full Version : New here, Currently struggling with my worst bout of anxiety I've ever had.

Tyler Patterson
08-19-2014, 02:52 PM
I'd like to start out by saying thank you for your advice in advance, I'm an eighteen year old male currently transitioning into college. All my life I've had anxiety it's been on and off, mostly off. It started out about two weeks ago when my father went for an x-ray at the chiropractor and they found a spot on his lung, luckily when he went to an actual x-ray facility it turned out to be a shadow(due to bad film) Ever since I've been struggling with a terrible bout of anxiety, it started as thoughts of death and the afterlife, as well as flu like symptoms. It then turned to physical symptoms, losing control, fear of death, twitching, weakness, loss of appetite, trouble sleeping, numbness and tingling in extremities. I've always struggled with it a small amount but its suddenly taken over my life. I've never been diagnosed because its obvious as to what i have and I do not like to take medicine. I'm curious as to see if any of you could share some of the methods that maybe you have learned throughout how ever long you've been dealing with anxiety. Thank you in advance.

Tyler Patterson
08-19-2014, 03:30 PM
I should also mention that my twitching is constant, and started in my left leg. I'm terrified that it is somethings serious like als or ms, I know in my mind that those fears are irrational but i cant get them out. I'm going to wait two weeks and see if they go away before seeking medical advice. Is this a good or bad idea?

08-20-2014, 07:09 PM
Understand your anxiety in a deeper level. The situation with your father was the catalyst of your anxiety. It was not the beginning of it but the cumulative effort to cause take over. You already mentioned your father so I will point towards the relationship the two of you have. Do you spend time together as you like? Does he understand what he means to you? These are all things you could focus on.

Speaking of focus. Your symptoms are a result of just that. You focusing on them. Understand that what you focus on is your reality and because your symptoms take that focus, that is what will continue to happen. We need to move on and focus on things productive. Start that gym routine you wanted and look forward to your workouts. Wanting to eat healthier? Start now. Stuck at your job, with friends or in a relationship? Resolve those issues. We so what we need for ourselves and that can include a list of things only you can figure out.

Ask if you have any questions. I can elaborate some more.