View Full Version : Help!!!!

08-19-2014, 12:45 PM
I was curious to find out if anyone out there in this forum could let me know if all of the following symptoms could be anxiety related.
So here we go.....

1. Upper Back Pain that can radiate around around to front of shoulders.
2. Feeling in the stomach of somewhere between heartburn and nausea. Even feels like I'm over salivating at times.
3. Low grade fever at times. Everytime I take tempature it seems to be fine, but it has elevated up to almost 100 a couple of times.
4. Feeling of getting the chills, but it never really happens.
5. Feel a bit warmer at night with heat more in hands.
6. Head in the clouds type feeling. Sort of feeling like I'm looking in on myself and could go crazy at any moment.
7. Went to Dr. for what appeared to be inflammed lymph nodes in my armpit, but he couldn't find anything.

That's it in a nutshell, but it seems like a lot to ask of just anxiety.

Let me know.

08-19-2014, 03:13 PM
I was curious to find out if anyone out there in this forum could let me know if all of the following symptoms could be anxiety related.
So here we go.....

1. Upper Back Pain that can radiate around around to front of shoulders. Nope never had this but might be just general pain
2. Feeling in the stomach of somewhere between heartburn and nausea. Even feels like I'm over salivating at times. Its been thought that GERD (Acid Reflux) is connected to anxiety. I take Omperazole and an Acid reducer to help as I get these similar symptoms
3. Low grade fever at times. Everytime I take tempature it seems to be fine, but it has elevated up to almost 100 a couple of times. No fever for me
4. Feeling of getting the chills, but it never really happens. Get the Chills sometimes for sure, it acts up when I get a hint of a panic attack
5. Feel a bit warmer at night with heat more in hands. Yups over heating is one of my triggers of panic. So I tend to be hotter in general
6. Head in the clouds type feeling. Sort of feeling like I'm looking in on myself and could go crazy at any moment. Yes I think its called depersonalization or something but I am avoiding researching it so I dont go no an OCD fix with it LOL!!!!! Google is EVIL!!! haaha
7. Went to Dr. for what appeared to be inflammed lymph nodes in my armpit, but he couldn't find anything. Anxiety causes all kinds of BS symptoms. Probably cause and effect of anxiety rather than a true issue.

That's it in a nutshell, but it seems like a lot to ask of just anxiety.

Let me know.

I am sure many members here have experienced some of those symptoms that you have stated above. "Anxiety is the biggest bluff" -imsuffering-. I, 100% Agree, its all a bluff and something that messes with our body and our mind! So dont get so worried about symptoms address the cause Anxiety and things should settle down a little!