View Full Version : An Anxious Noob

08-19-2014, 09:12 AM
Hi. I’ve been quietly suffering from a number of issues for most of my life, mainly OCD and social anxiety. They have prevented me from reaching my potential and I’m tired of facing this hindrance. Whenever I’m in the spotlight, among large social groups, or faced with a new situation I am struck with anxiety. This can cause loss of sleep and appetite, and debilitating IBS flare-ups.

One example is during dates. I overanalyse, struggle to eat, emotionally invest too early, compulsively check my phone, and fail to show my true personality. If I receive validation (e.g. obvious flirting, a kiss, etc) then I immediately relax, but until then I’m all over the place. I find the pressure I put on myself mentally exhausting and if someone decides to stop dating me then I really struggle to deal with the rejection.

I know I shouldn’t be scared and with age I’ve tried to take a more ‘screw-it’ attitude rather than one of avoidance, but I still endure the waves of anxiety and its side-effects. It's frustrating because if I'm in control and comfortable with the situation then I can be a very confident and outgoing person. If anyone has any advice then it would be hugely appreciated as I sometimes worry that my anxiety might edge me towards depression and loneliness.

I would add that just writing this has already helped.