View Full Version : Anxiety and physical health

08-19-2014, 05:45 AM
For those of you in a moment of clarity, only.

Very rarely does an anxiety sufferer die of a physical illness. Now, that should tell you something. You may have 100 symptoms, but all tests usually return normal. On this very forum 99% that go through extensive testing have a clean bill of health.

A typical post for example:

"Out of my 13 ER visits (in a month) and my multiple specialist visits they cannot find anything wrong" you are healthy then, despite yourself. The body that you mistrust, fixes itself, constantly. Thus the importance for a good sleep which will afford it a break from the barrage of negative suggestions.

The conclusion by means of statistics is, generally speaking, people with anxiety are healthy. People who are chronic and dieing do not have GAD or panic disorder.

And if a GAD sufferer finally works their way into a death situation, the panic stops, because the outcome is accepted., GAD turns to peace and recounting of a life.

In the face of death, there is no room for depression, agoraphobia, GAD, panic disorder, or even google search. And in real physical illness, the energies are refocused away from worry and doubt which plagues the anxious person, and focused on returning to health. The person is simply sick of being sick.

The man on death row in his last hour has no time for panic, you see and has already accepted his fate. He therefor recounts life and his lessons, and finds peace any way he can.

Only when there is indecision, doubt, worry, and fear (in that order) over imaginary illness, is there no escape, until the mental or psychological problem as to why one acts this way is resolved.

That is all.

I all-ways teach what I have to learn, that is the way of it. And so do you, no exceptions.

08-19-2014, 07:42 AM
For those of you in a moment of clarity, only.

Very rarely does an anxiety sufferer die of a physical illness. Now, that should tell you something. You may have 100 symptoms, but all tests usually return normal. On this very forum 99% that go through extensive testing have a clean bill of health.

A typical post for example:

"Out of my 13 ER visits (in a month) and my multiple specialist visits they cannot find anything wrong" you are healthy then, despite yourself. The body that you mistrust, fixes itself, constantly. Thus the importance for a good sleep which will afford it a break from the barrage of negative suggestions.

The conclusion by means of statistics is, generally speaking, people with anxiety are healthy. People who are chronic and dieing do not have GAD or panic disorder.

And if a GAD sufferer finally works their way into a death situation, the panic stops, because the outcome is accepted., GAD turns to peace and recounting of a life.

In the face of death, there is no room for depression, agoraphobia, GAD, panic disorder, or even google search. And in real physical illness, the energies are refocused away from worry and doubt which plagues the anxious person, and focused on returning to health. The person is simply sick of being sick.

The man on death row in his last hour has no time for panic, you see and has already accepted his fate. He therefor recounts life and his lessons, and finds peace any way he can.

Only when there is indecision, doubt, worry, and fear (in that order) over imaginary illness, is there no escape, until the mental or psychological problem as to why one acts this way is resolved.

That is all.

I all-ways teach what I have to learn, that is the way of it. And so do you, no exceptions.

"Teach what you have to learn" your getting better and better, psychologist?

08-19-2014, 08:00 AM
"Teach what you have to learn" your getting better and better, psychologist?

No, not conventional anyhow. But remember I first came here because of my own anxiety, etc.

For example those that fight for racial equality are usually wrestling to come to terms with it themselves. When there is a passion to teach or express one is in the process of learning in regards to the topic. The feedback is then a measure of how he is doing. He can adjust accordingly.

As a side note, it becomes then important what you think, what you type out, or post here. Say my anxiety is gone, the topic becomes neutral, and I fade away as a memory to you, no longer attracted to the boards here, what have I left behind as footprints for future readers? Will it help or hinder. There's more going on here than meets the eye. What have you all left behind? Have you left more panic, or have you left calming words of love and helpfulness even if you are in pain and suffering. Better to leave a torch to light the way, and in so doing you give your body a boost, a step in the right direction.

In a very real sense I've been talking to myself the whole time (every post), and teaching myself, same applies to all of you.

That also means part of the anxiety problem is association with message boards like this. More time is spent commiserating than helping oneself, it becomes a crutch to daily fall upon , even in the absence of symptoms. The law of attraction at work. So one would question at 3000 posts if one does ever want to fully recover, or he straddles the fence for years with no firm decision.

Anyhow I am still here. I hope you don't mind my company !

08-19-2014, 09:36 AM
No, not conventional anyhow. But remember I first came here because of my own anxiety, etc.

For example those that fight for racial equality are usually wrestling to come to terms with it themselves. When there is a passion to teach or express one is in the process of learning in regards to the topic. The feedback is then a measure of how he is doing. He can adjust accordingly.

As a side note, it becomes then important what you think, what you type out, or post here. Say my anxiety is gone, the topic becomes neutral, and I fade away as a memory to you, no longer attracted to the boards here, what have I left behind as footprints for future readers? Will it help or hinder. There's more going on here than meets the eye. What have you all left behind? Have you left more panic, or have you left calming words of love and helpfulness even if you are in pain and suffering. Better to leave a torch to light the way, and in so doing you give your body a boost, a step in the right direction.

In a very real sense I've been talking to myself the whole time (every post), and teaching myself, same applies to all of you.

That also means part of the anxiety problem is association with message boards like this. More time is spent commiserating than helping oneself, it becomes a crutch to daily fall upon , even in the absence of symptoms. The law of attraction at work. So one would question at 3000 posts if one does ever want to fully recover, or he straddles the fence for years with no firm decision.

Anyhow I am still here. I hope you don't mind my company !

Your aoproach to your anxiety is quite frankly genius, and so is your outward outreach approah to others on this Forum.
You and xerosnake , or something like that haha, Are really something else!

I just have one question, somedays I seemingly have no anxiety disorder, but others im a mess, and when 'cured' I lose a lot of the rigid mindset built by your advise somehow. This means when the bad days come they come hard, what can i do to change this?

08-19-2014, 10:14 AM
I just have one question, somedays I seemingly have no anxiety disorder, but others im a mess, and when 'cured' I lose a lot of the rigid mindset built by your advise somehow. This means when the bad days come they come hard, what can i do to change this?

The anxiety is latent where the symptoms do not manifest, however even in the "off" periods your expectations eventually bring them about. Instead of resolving the issues creating it. By temporarily suppressing/holding down/not feeling it/them, every so often you reach a boiling point where even the "normal" symptoms become exaggerated.

Now, the symptoms, which are psychological manifestations of incorrect thought, (as this thread states you basically have a clean bill of physical health), are put on the back burner. Remember, you are meant to feel, feelings are your truth, period. You and others, myself included, experience what the body feels, when the energies are blocked, and you don't allow yourself to feel mentally or emotionally. Rather you have problems that you have not correctly solved, you are at a standstill. Or you don't see yourself capable or powerful enough to resolve them in your best interests.

Now it's important to differentiate, crying is not feeling, crying is lamenting over your conditions, however it can lead you to your truth if you don't get caught up in it. Say you were abused as a child, going back in ones mind to that day, recounting what you felt and what you said to yourself as you felt it. That is honoring your feelings, validating them and not sweeping them under the carpet until your ER visit reminds you there is a problem. If you fight with a spouse you are to feel it, and correctly resolve it as swiftly as possible in your highest regard. Feel, period, again feelings, not words, are your truth. Your soul feels, it does not see your new TV set, period, but feels your emotions about it. There can be no lies then, you see. Yet you lie to yourself now about problems and think it's all dandy. We'll your soul feels the truth of it, and gently shakes you with some palpitations, not meant to send you off to google or the ER, but back inside yourself to resolve any issues. And to get you to feel.

Do not use your power over yourself, to bury or suppress, use your power with yourself to find, fix, resolve.

Oh, but you will feel it alright, anxiety symptoms are the expression of feelings that your psyche has refused to look at. We are truly magical beings.

This has been a good post, completed edited, added to at 12:35