View Full Version : Weaning off Citalopram

08-19-2014, 04:20 AM
Hi all!

As you may know i have created an Anxiety Self-Help website. I have now added a blog to show you my progress, as i am weaning off Citalopram and going onto Mirtazapine. I really hope my website can give you some more information about anxiety and i hope it can help. I really hope people could start recognizing mental illness. It needs to be talked about more... More of an understanding... More help out there. The recent news of the suicide of Robin Williams just goes to show how much of a brave face he put on and how he hid his illness/depression with jokes and laughter.


08-19-2014, 05:17 PM
Ah Mirtazapine. Darn did I eat and eat and eat on that drug. And sleep.. It becomes as important as breathing :) I'm sure you've found out.

Places that show people improving are so important. I'm glad you're documenting your journey. They give people hope.

08-19-2014, 05:35 PM
Hi all!

As you may know i have created an Anxiety Self-Help website. I have now added a blog to show you my progress, as i am weaning off Citalopram and going onto Mirtazapine. I really hope my website can give you some more information about anxiety and i hope it can help. I really hope people could start recognizing mental illness. It needs to be talked about more... More of an understanding... More help out there. The recent news of the suicide of Robin Williams just goes to show how much of a brave face he put on and how he hid his illness/depression with jokes and laughter.


Your blog is kinda cool. Easy to navigate with some good information.

The withdraw symptoms can sometimes be as bad as the anxiety itself it seems.

I'm glad you found your way and hope the withdraws lessen soon

When I came off Effexor, it took a month for the dizziness and nausea to stop. Horrible.

Keep doing what you're doing!