View Full Version : Side Effects of Medication

06-13-2008, 06:21 PM

I’ve recently started a course of Cymbalta (Duloxetine) and I’ve been experiencing some weird symptoms since starting in them. I just need some reassurance that this is normal.

My symptoms are as follows:

Tremor in hands

Sudden onset of dizziness/lightheadness

Sudden onset of extreme tiredness

A little confusion and nausea


I understand that you should expect side-effects when starting a new drug and I’m will to ‘ride this out’ in the hope that it will start to have postive effects, but it’s very difficult and I find that the symptoms sometimes set off my panc attacks which isn’t helpful.

Thanks a lot for your help.


06-16-2008, 04:23 PM

I’ve recently started a course of Cymbalta (Duloxetine) and I’ve been experiencing some weird symptoms since starting in them. I just need some reassurance that this is normal.

My symptoms are as follows:

Tremor in hands

Sudden onset of dizziness/lightheadness

Sudden onset of extreme tiredness

A little confusion and nausea


I understand that you should expect side-effects when starting a new drug and I’m will to ‘ride this out’ in the hope that it will start to have postive effects, but it’s very difficult and I find that the symptoms sometimes set off my panc attacks which isn’t helpful.

Thanks a lot for your help.


Hi Harry (HM)
Well, guess who has similar bad side effects? Yes me. I just started Effexor drug, 3 days ago, and I have decided not to continue. I couldn't even get out of bed this morning. Thurs. I have an interview to go to, so I don't want to be sick for that. I have my Ativan with me incase.

It sucks, doesn't it??