View Full Version : hard to breath anxiety?

08-18-2014, 12:11 PM
Sorry if this is kinda long I have had so meany tests done and still cant seem to think anxiety can do all this my doctor says I have G.A.D. I have so meany symptoms the worst ones are waking up every morning shaking hot feeling in my chest but the worst one is this feeling i can't seem to breath and it last allday long is it possible it really could be GAD? Thank you so much!

08-18-2014, 03:05 PM
Sounds like GAD to me, I had this for a while. It took a couple of weeks to shake off. I was more OCD about the breathing and that is what caused the Anxiety. Being so fixated on the breathing made it frustrating. When I finally distracted myself it slowly got better and then finally it just went back to normal.

Try to distract yourself when you get all caught up in the breathing situation. Remember your body will automatically breath so its not like you can hold your breath. Slow and deep breaths get your body regulated. Then just try and carry on your normal life!

08-18-2014, 05:51 PM
Thank you I do think about how my breathing is all daylong maybe im ocd with it too!