View Full Version : Advice needed my friends...

08-18-2014, 09:53 AM
Hey everyone. Hope you're all well.
I've been thinking a lot lately about getting back into the work place. I have been out of action for way too long and I need something to occupy my mind during the day. I haven't worked for four years and this is the longest I have been unemployed in my life.
I really want to work again but I don't want to dive in and give myself stress that isn't needed while I'm still battling with panic attacks. I still have them, although I find that I handle them a lot better on the whole than I used to.
My question is this - should I just bite the bullet and apply for jobs and hope I can handle it when the interview arrives and working hours after that?
Or should I offer myself as a volunteer for a while so that I can ease myself back in to the working world until my confidence bumps back up a bit?
Like I said, advise needed! Xx

08-18-2014, 03:08 PM
Volunteer sounds like something to ease back in. At this point there is no rush to get going if you are only looking to get active during the day. If its a matter of finances then push come to shove. At this time doesnt sound like it, so no need to dive in the deep end. Volunteer, take your time and see how it goes, but dont give up once you feel off, keep pushing yourself while volunteering and then maybe a part time job after you develop confidence!

08-18-2014, 03:19 PM
Volunteer sounds like something to ease back in. At this point there is no rush to get going if you are only looking to get active during the day. If its a matter of finances then push come to shove. At this time doesnt sound like it, so no need to dive in the deep end. Volunteer, take your time and see how it goes, but dont give up once you feel off, keep pushing yourself while volunteering and then maybe a part time job after you develop confidence!

Good advice !

08-18-2014, 09:40 PM
sucking up a bit :))

08-19-2014, 01:45 AM
Either volunteer or find a part time job that isn't too hectic. I think you should just act on impulse and apply for some jobs. Jump into something instead of overthinking it because in the end that'll cause you the most anxiety and you'll eventually talk yourself out of working.

Who knows, maybe you'll feel comfortable once you're back into a work routine. Good luck :)