View Full Version : cant get over my headaches....omg I wanna die

08-18-2014, 07:55 AM
for a week now I have been living with headaches.... it is like all over my head with all kinds of symptoms, such as pain, stiffness, warmness(buzzing), fatigue, etc... the symptoms like move all over my head from one area to another.
It is better in the morning and worsens during the day. Like today it got worse when I was just reading a book and not doing anything else...
I don't know what it is... a tension headache or a concussion headache or what? I don't think it is a concussion headache because I bumped my head a bit but it wasn't that hard... it didnt even hurt.
I don't know what to do anymore its like getting worse every day and now even making me nauseous.... :S
I know it can very very possibly just be caused by stress and anxiety, but it is really extreme and I cant take it anymore!!!

The reason I havent went to a doctor is because I am actually pretty sure it is caused by stress and anxiety, nothing else makes any sense. I am young and healthy overall. And also because the symptoms vary and it is a bunch of symptoms, and they are better in the morning which makes me think it is nothing physiological but really just caused by my own thinking... but the uncertancy is killing me...
Right now my head feels stiff, especially my jaw and neck.... Actually I wouldnt even call it a headache at the moment.. it is this stiffness and buzzing and stuffed heavy feeling in my head... but it is really extreme.

But like I said the fact that the symptoms and their location varies a lot makes me think it is stress/anxiety and not something physiological.

08-18-2014, 08:28 AM

by reading what you are experiencing, i can tell that i've been through the same thing, that is cured now. I had severe headache everyday and even harder ones that started with a pain in the eye, like my view was veiled or something.

First thing that you need to check is if you have any muscle tension in your body, especially your neck and your back. There's a nerve that start in your back and that makes it way through your eye, and because of anxiety and muscle tension, this nerve caused me headaches.

If you have any, try to massage them gently, and feel if there's a tension, even on the top of your head, try to relax it by doing stretches. Muscle tension and negative thinking lead you to an vicious circle that you'll never be able to get out if you don't realize that is you that is causing it to yourself.

Trust me, i've been through the same thing, thinking that i had brain cancer, that i would never be able to be the same again, and all that crap, 'til i realized thanks to my doctor that it was all in my head. I do believe in the power of words, you are fine. Just focus on the tension of your body, relax yourself, try to keep your mind busy doing something: playing and instrument, playing games, sports and you'll be able to handle it with time and practice.

08-18-2014, 09:36 AM
Its more than headaches its more like my head gets hot and warm and start buzzing and gets very stiff and very fatigued or "burned out"... and idk why because I exercise every day, etc... the headaches come and go but that is not the main thing
and these dont seem like concussion symptoms either...
I just feel this stiffness and pressure all over my face and skull... also slight dizziness or difficulty concentrating...

I have a very stressful time at the moment I guess that can be reason...

08-18-2014, 10:59 AM
I have this pressure and stiffness in my head for days now I cant take it :S what can I do....!?!?!? if I cant get it better by myself I guess I will have to go on some kind of pills even tho I wanna avoid these.

08-18-2014, 11:57 AM
god I cant take this anymore... I dont understand what the hell is going on...... it just gets worse by itself I am not even doing anything just reading a book or sitting on a chair... I feel this pressure and like extreme nauseating fatigue!

08-18-2014, 01:28 PM
I was bent over under a counter, my head was about 10 cm from the counter, then I tried to stand up and hit my head... but the acceleration only happened for 10 cm, and it wasnt that hard bang or anything, it didnt even hurt, I felt fine after it.... I went running a few hours after that because i felt fine, I felt fine even the next day... only 2 days later I started getting headaches. All of this happened in the middle of a high anxiety period when I was already having anxiety symptoms anyway.

So there is no freaking way I get a concussion from that small bang right? Especially because it didnt even hurt...

But right now I feel absolutely horrible... my head is stiff and has pressure and is buzzing and I feel nauseous ... my head doesn't actually ache tho.

Considering all this, it cant be a concussion right??? Im guessing my anxiety believes it is a concussion so it is creating all these symptoms because of the fear....

And the symptoms are better in the morning and get worse during the day, they get worse even if I am just reading a book or something, so this indicates it cant be a physical concussion right? Because it gets worse by not doing anything physical.
I lifted some weights today and I actually felt a little bit better after it, also I went running yesterday and I felt better for a short while... but later it gets worse again...

So does it seem like possibly a concussion or not provided this information??? For me by thinking logically it doesnt, but my fear is so big it can create the symptoms itself!

08-19-2014, 02:50 AM
I dont know what is it... tension headache? my neck is stiff too and I get this warm buzzing around my temples and pressure in my head especially around eyebrows and jaw gets stiff, huge fatigue, sometimes nauseating....

08-19-2014, 03:15 AM
I think you need to avoid diagnosing yourself or you'll go crazy, if you want to be sure, go check with a doctor. If you're saying that your neck if stiff try to do neck streches everyday, it really helps a lot, there's tons of way to do it, you'll find everything on youtube. When i was like you, i was unable to read too, it was impossible to concentrate, you need to find a way to reassure yourself. ( by checking with a doctor maybe? even if you're sure that's anxiety problems, sometimes it feels good to be told by someone , for me it worked, my doctor know me since i am a little kid and just talking to him is a way to let go bad thoughts about me having imaginary deseases)

08-19-2014, 04:13 AM
I think you need to avoid diagnosing yourself or you'll go crazy, if you want to be sure, go check with a doctor. If you're saying that your neck if stiff try to do neck streches everyday, it really helps a lot, there's tons of way to do it, you'll find everything on youtube. When i was like you, i was unable to read too, it was impossible to concentrate, you need to find a way to reassure yourself. ( by checking with a doctor maybe? even if you're sure that's anxiety problems, sometimes it feels good to be told by someone , for me it worked, my doctor know me since i am a little kid and just talking to him is a way to let go bad thoughts about me having imaginary deseases)

just tell me what u think based on information i provided how likely is concussion?

08-19-2014, 04:13 AM
Concussions are considered urgent.... if you think you have one I recommend seeing a doctor, especially if you bumped your head. I learned this in my first aid course.

I've had headaches before directly related to anxiety. It was before results for my ultrasound and I was convinced I had cancer.... my head was aching for days on end and it really didn't go away until my results came back clean. I also had headaches in grade 11 when I didn't drink caffeine because I was so highly addicted... sometimes that'll fix it for me.

I recommend trying to sleep, taking advil, staying hydrated and keeping yourself busy.

If the headaches persist or get worse you should seek medical attention.

Hopefully you feel better :)

08-19-2014, 06:03 AM
Concussions are considered urgent.... if you think you have one I recommend seeing a doctor, especially if you bumped your head. I learned this in my first aid course.

I've had headaches before directly related to anxiety. It was before results for my ultrasound and I was convinced I had cancer.... my head was aching for days on end and it really didn't go away until my results came back clean. I also had headaches in grade 11 when I didn't drink caffeine because I was so highly addicted... sometimes that'll fix it for me.

I recommend trying to sleep, taking advil, staying hydrated and keeping yourself busy.

If the headaches persist or get worse you should seek medical attention.

Hopefully you feel better :)

Just read post number 7 and give your assessment is it possible to get concussion from so little bump? thats all I need right now. And I said its not really headache... read the post before u reply.

08-19-2014, 08:50 AM
right now I just feel this buzzing/numbness/warmness at the back of my head/neck.... its really intense, almost nauseating...
Doesnt sound like a concussion does it?

its horrible ... but the intensity varies a lot, in the morning it is the best and then starts getting worse... the only thing that actually makes sense is anxiety.

08-19-2014, 09:06 AM
Skizo you need a doctor the psychiatrist doc. Your hypochondria is ruining your life. I would also spank you for crying for weeks on forum instead of taking the advice and do something. It is anxiety. Why you keeping asking and telling about every symptom which is anxiety? You need to do something not to write the posts to get some pity from people. whatever you are looking here, you will not find it. I am old enough to be your grandma so do not get offended.
I was suffering with headaches for maybe 20 years, but i was not treated for anxiety. From the moment I went on meds and started meditation, I had not have headache in ages. Have you read stickies? On General forum?
I bet you did not, othewise you will see how many faces anxiety have.
Pumpkin have a good idea, hydration is a key, but not the pop the coke or whatever shit people drink, but water.

08-19-2014, 09:10 AM
From what i've heard, a little bump can't cause concussion but i'm no doctor to say it. The symptoms that you describe looks like concussion but also looks like anxiety.
So go to a doctor:
-if it's a concussion, you will be treated.
-if not you'll be sure that nothing is wrong and you'll stop torturing yourself.

08-19-2014, 09:17 AM
Skizo you need a doctor the psychiatrist doc. Your hypochondria is ruining your life. I would also spank you for crying for weeks on forum instead of taking the advice and do something. It is anxiety. Why you keeping asking and telling about every symptom which is anxiety? You need to do something not to write the posts to get some pity from people. whatever you are looking here, you will not find it. I am old enough to be your grandma so do not get offended.
I was suffering with headaches for maybe 20 years, but i was not treated for anxiety. From the moment I went on meds and started meditation, I had not have headache in ages. Have you read stickies? On General forum?
I bet you did not, othewise you will see how many faces anxiety have.
Pumpkin have a good idea, hydration is a key, but not the pop the coke or whatever shit people drink, but water.

Would you politely fuck off?
I dont want pity god damn it, I want REASSURANCE, that it is indeed just anxiety. If I get reassure and really believe it then I will calm down and symptoms will go away too, simple as that. I do not ask for advice, pity, nagging, etc... All I want is that someone who recognizes these symptoms reassures me it is anxiety.

And never, ever, ever, ever mention anything about medication or "going to the doctor".


Now just stop, do not reply to me, I don't wanna hear it. As I said the only thing I wanna hear is reassurance.

08-19-2014, 09:20 AM
From what i've heard, a little bump can't cause concussion but i'm no doctor to say it. The symptoms that you describe looks like concussion but also looks like anxiety.
So go to a doctor:
-if it's a concussion, you will be treated.
-if not you'll be sure that nothing is wrong and you'll stop torturing yourself.

I guess I will... but like I said it was a little but with acceleration of only 10 cm... so really it doesn't make sense that it is a concussion right? And even if it is a concussion it can only be a very small one and it couldnt last for over a week right?

Now a concussion is diagnose just by physical examination and asking what happened... and I already said what happened so pretty much anyone can who knows anything about concussions can diagnose me based on this. some kind of a physical skull or neck fracture is virtually impossible from such a small bump.

All I want is one thing answered and thats it - can it be a concussion or not, based on the information I provided - I was bent over under a wooden counter, which was about 10cm from my head, then I tried to stand up and hit my head. It didnt hurt for any more than a few seconds tho and it was not a very strong bump...

Also keep in mind that I have been having high anxiety and symptoms for a few weeks now due to a heated argument with my father...

What I am guessing myself is that my anxiety believes I have a concussion and therefor is creating the symptoms, but I need reassurance.

08-19-2014, 10:47 AM
What I am guessing myself is that my anxiety believes I have a concussion and therefor is creating the symptoms, but I need reassurance.

It's exactly that, you got it. You've made the major step, now just build from here.
Now that you know that nothing is wrong with you, you have all the keys to get better.

08-19-2014, 10:55 AM
It's exactly that, you got it. You've made the major step, now just build from here.
Now that you know that nothing is wrong with you, you have all the keys to get better.

yeah but I feel so terrible ... I feel strange... I have this pressure at the back of my head or back of my neck, it feels like "burned out" feeling, warmness, buzzing, stiffness, it sometimes gets so intense that it is nauseating..... The intensity varies a lot though, and it is not always at the same spot, it like moves around all over my head, sometimes my temples are buzzing, sometimes my ears get hot, sometimes I get a pain behind my eyes, sometimes my jaw gets so stiff its hard to move it...

I also asked my mother can I get a concussion from something so small, she said no way.... but I still feel so weird.

And these symptoms don't seem to be responding to anything what I do physically, I can be reading a book, walking outside, running, lifting weights, anything... it gets better and worse completely randomly.
However it is better in the morning right after waking up, but as soon as I wake up it takes only a few minutes and it starts getting worse again...

I will fix my sitting posture too, I sit on my computer chair like I am lying in my bed, bad posture can't help, however I have sat like this for many years so it is not the cause but it can perhaps intensify the symptoms. I don't know whats the thing with the month of August and my anxiety, for the past 3 years every August I have had a major anxiety incident which throws me off the rails for weeks or more...

Right now it is pretty intense, huge pressure in my head and throat and nauseating feeling... I don't understand why, I havent done anything physically... the pressure is so intense my ears pop sometimes...

08-19-2014, 11:19 AM
Your relationship with your family is the main issue to begin with, instead of using your time in multiple repetitious posts flailing your arms and running in circles. Do an about face off the internet, and face your life. I know that absolutely petrified you, but that's what you need to do.

Go to your mother and show her these posts you make, then schedule a dr appointment and a therapists appointment. If you cannot afford it, borrow the money. Either way turn away from forums and toward your life, that is your only cure. Print out this thread with all your posts, and bring it with you to the ER, let them read it, then scan your body, they will take you without insurance.

Now I know you will come back with 7 more posts on the positioning of your head, and curse me, but I have told you what you need to do.

If my posts irritate you please do not post in my threads... simple as that.

The only thing I am looking for here is help with diagnosis and reassurance, I do not need your advice.
Thats the reason I am posting, to avoid a doctors appointment when it may not be nessesacary, I don't have insurance or anything, and I am trying to beat my anxiety without any medication, because I understand that anxiety is caused by my own thinking, and medication just creates more anxiety in my and often does not even help.

08-19-2014, 11:35 AM
You understand nothing in your condition. Or you wouldn't be looking for diagnosis from non medical people without tests. And you've been given reassurance which does not work, again in your condition.

As mentioned, you will discredit me, you are 5 feet short of cursing me out, and you will come back with numerous more posts until you are either exhausted or someone drags you off to the hospital.

Nothing more from me will be given. As you wish. I took the bait earnestly.

you really dont get it, I just want one thing - that people take a look at my symptoms and make assesment if it is anxiety or caused by concussion, and are these symptoms familiar to any anxiety sufferers. Thats why I am in this forum, I want help of other anxiety sufferers to make the correct diagnosis. Concussion is diagnosed the same way by just explaining your symptoms and what happened, so there is no point in going to a doctor really. And nothing else makes any sense, anxiety makes the most sense especially because I am a extreme anxiety sufferer... but I still need more reassurance. I guess I will go to my psychiatrist if things do not improve, but that wont stop me from making posting in this forum, as I am an anxiety sufferer. I would never go into another sufferers thread and telling them to stop bitching or saying something meaningless like "go to a doctor".

Now get the fuck out of my thread asshole.

Matthew Caleb
08-19-2014, 12:52 PM
All of the symptoms you just described I have just started having 10 days ago and I have been having anxiety for 9 months, never having these symptoms before either. I got my chest xrayed and cat scan of my brain as well as checked blood. I've been told by several doctors now that's it's all anxiety, even my headaches. I'm very new to this sort of symptoms and I too am a little scared but, deep down inside I keep telling myself to listen to the doctors.

08-19-2014, 01:14 PM
All of the symptoms you just described I have just started having 10 days ago and I have been having anxiety for 9 months, never having these symptoms before either. I got my chest xrayed and cat scan of my brain as well as checked blood. I've been told by several doctors now that's it's all anxiety, even my headaches. I'm very new to this sort of symptoms and I too am a little scared but, deep down inside I keep telling myself to listen to the doctors.

Let me again go over the symptoms I have right now - mostly it is pressure in the head and this stiffness in the back of my head and neck... but it also moves sometimes behind my eyebrows or in my jaw... my temples right now feel pressure and are warm... I occasionally get headaches and pain behind eyes... but mostly my neck and head feel stiff/numb and buzzing/warm.... sometimes nauseating.
Sometimes the pressure gets so hard its difficult to swallow and my ears pop

Matthew Caleb
08-19-2014, 01:25 PM
I am getting all of those symptoms you just mentioned except for stiffness in neck. I am vomiting, nauseated, pressure on side of head, jaw pain. And all of this is new to me as of 10 days ago. My usual symptoms were always just chest pressure and palpitations, now all of these have been added. It may be a form of general anxiety. Anxiety can create very unusual symptoms in the body I'm realizing as well as stress.

08-19-2014, 01:48 PM
I am getting all of those symptoms you just mentioned except for stiffness in neck. I am vomiting, nauseated, pressure on side of head, jaw pain. And all of this is new to me as of 10 days ago. My usual symptoms were always just chest pressure and palpitations, now all of these have been added. It may be a form of general anxiety. Anxiety can create very unusual symptoms in the body I'm realizing as well as stress.

Yeah you are right.... but my hypochondria is just so convinced I have a concussion - but like I said it was just a small bump so I cant have a concussion from that right?

Also I had anxiety symptoms even before that bump, I have been struggling with my anxiety symptoms since the start of this month, before that I was anxiety free for a few months, all together I have struggled with extreme anxiety for over 4 years or more.

Matthew Caleb
08-19-2014, 01:54 PM
The bump could have had a neurological affect on your anxiety symptoms maybe. I started a new medication and got off it in one days time, since that day my anxiety has grown and is not the way it was before. I now have symptoms similar to yours. These are just theories I'm throwing at you. In either case they can be treated, I'm starting to see a psychologist. Have only been to one session

Matthew Caleb
08-19-2014, 01:55 PM
How long ago did you bump your head. I would imagine it would have had to be a big blow to be a concussion.

08-19-2014, 01:59 PM
How long ago did you bump your head. I would imagine it would have had to be a big blow to be a concussion.

one week ago... but I felt fine after the bump and even the next day, only 2 days after it started getting worse, but that day I also had another heated argument with my mother - I know arguments are very stressful and trigger my anxiety...

Matthew Caleb
08-19-2014, 02:05 PM
It is your anxiety. Like i said it could have impacted you neurologically, perhaps. That's what I think happened to me

08-19-2014, 02:10 PM
It is your anxiety. Like i said it could have impacted you neurologically, perhaps. That's what I think happened to me

I guess you are right... I will try my best now to figure this thing out... anxiety is such a complicated beast and I am wrestling with it for years now. Seriously I feel like my struggle against anxiety is like an extremely hard computer game. If I can defeat it again this time then it is more gained experience for me, I have gone through hell with anxiety for the past 4 years or so, I've literally had every symptom in the book.
The hardest thing of all is accepting that it is anxiety and not something else, because anxiety can create every symptom imaginable.

Matthew Caleb
08-19-2014, 02:15 PM
I have thought of every scenario in my head as well. I have gone to the ER more than once, had so many xrays, have thought of a million ways I would or could die. All to just hear, there is nothing wrong with you. I am rather new to panic and anxiety, 9 months, but learning the more I experience attacks. Almost like I am actually realizing after all these attacks, that they are nothing. Nothing that I can't control.

08-19-2014, 02:19 PM
I have thought of every scenario in my head as well. I have gone to the ER more than once, had so many xrays, have thought of a million ways I would or could die. All to just hear, there is nothing wrong with you. I am rather new to panic and anxiety, 9 months, but learning the more I experience attacks. Almost like I am actually realizing after all these attacks, that they are nothing. Nothing that I can't control.

Yes... I am actually consciously rather calm considering how horrible my symptoms are - anxiety is subconscious. When I was new to anxiety and didn't understand it at all, then I was crawled up in my bed and crying, I constantly had the feeling of impending doom, etc...
It is still really hard, but after years of experience now I am handling it much better... however it is still so hard... especially because I have been symptom free for months and now it was triggered again...
At this point I'm like - Fuck it, just soldier through it all... life is hard, what can you do about it...

Matthew Caleb
08-19-2014, 02:26 PM
I too have been symptom free and then something will happen and I'll get into a slump. I'm not on any meds either so I have to bear thru it all naturally. I may get back on some I dunno. If my job performance is affected then I will get back on them.

08-19-2014, 08:09 PM
It is public forum and there is not thread that belongs to one person. OP should be humble, and take criticism when they are on public place and speak to the public. Nice one young man:))

There is small triangle on the bottom of every poster, feel free to report me.

08-19-2014, 09:47 PM
You don't have a concussion. You are just anxious

Try running into a wall with your head. Now you know hat a concussion feels like:p

You are talking yourself into something that isn't there. That is normal for us anxious folks.

No worries here. You are good as ever. Just perfect.

08-20-2014, 01:10 AM
Insanity - defined by the repetition of an idea or progress and expecting different results.

You need to quit focusing on the symptom you're having and move on from your act of insanity. You keep looking for reassurance on an idea that you have already diagnosed yourself as anxiety. Yet you keep looking for more and more reassurance. You're stuck in a loop, and this loop is only leading you back to the same place you've been before. A bad mindset , certainty of negativity. For your mental health it's paramount you face the problems to beat your anxiety. Stop with the re assurance and get back on track.

08-20-2014, 01:13 AM
Insanity - defined by the repetition of an idea or progress and expecting different results.

You need to quit focusing on the symptom you're having and move on from your act of insanity. You keep looking for reassurance on an idea that you have already diagnosed yourself as anxiety. Yet you keep looking for more and more reassurance. You're stuck in a loop, and this loop is only leading you back to the same place you've been before. A bad mindset , certainty of negativity. For your mental health it's paramount you face the problems to beat your anxiety. Stop with the re assurance and get back on track.

The problem is that I don't know what is the problem. More specifically I don't exactly know what is causing my anxiety... possibly my lack of social life or goals in life or not having girlfriend or whatever, I really just don't know... my life is pretty easy at the moment I just live with my parents and wait for school to start so there can't be much stress...

08-20-2014, 01:23 AM
The problem is that I don't know what is the problem. More specifically I don't exactly know what is causing my anxiety... possibly my lack of social life or goals in life or not having girlfriend or whatever, I really just don't know... my life is pretty easy at the moment I just live with my parents and wait for school to start so there can't be much stress...

You also said before that you have more anxiety in August of each year, maybe a subconscious thing about going back to school?

08-20-2014, 01:26 AM
The problem is that I don't know what is the problem. More specifically I don't exactly know what is causing my anxiety... possibly my lack of social life or goals in life or not having girlfriend or whatever, I really just don't know... my life is pretty easy at the moment I just live with my parents and wait for school to start so there can't be much stress...

By evaluating the ideas you have and how you come to make them happen is a great start. You're content with avoiding your desires. You don't have a social life, why not? Lack of girlfriend? Relates to love, connection and significance. Do you get along with your parents and how is your relationship overall? Do they know of your anxiety and how do they feel about it?

Take care of the mind and distract yourself with tasks involving self growth and the things you desire. Not getting the love you want? Give that love instead, it will return to you. Avoiding your anxiety by diagnosing and attempting to resolve yourself through reassurance by others on a forum is just more avoidance!! Once again, tell your parents, tell the friends you have and hang out with them to alleviate your social life avoidance. Perhaps you'll meet a lady to your liking as a result.

08-20-2014, 04:36 AM
now I have difficulty swallowing and lump in throat... and huge tension around my neck and jaw...

08-20-2014, 07:35 AM
I have stiffness and pressure in my ears and temples too.. when i try to swallow my ears pop

08-20-2014, 12:17 PM
so like I said... pressure, stiffness in the head, sometimes so intense that my ears pop when swallowing. And lump in throat and difficulty swallowing, occasionally getting slightly the feeling like I wanna pass out because it is so overwhelming...

08-20-2014, 01:23 PM
also I have a very strong urge to cry :/
it just feels so freaking weird....

08-20-2014, 06:40 PM
Insanity: Repeating the same act/or idea and expecting different results.

Stop reassuring and move on

08-20-2014, 09:12 PM
Omg Kyle Morgan :)))

08-21-2014, 08:02 AM
Insanity: Repeating the same act/or idea and expecting different results.

Stop reassuring and move on

Shut the fuck up and leave my thread...
I have physical symptoms and I am just trying to make the right diagnosis... seriously what is up with all these trolls even in health forums... Your advice is not worth anything, because you clearly can't relate to it.
I don't know what kind of fake "anxiety" people like you, Dahila or Im-Suffering have, but anyone with real anxiety knows that reassurance is the most important thing, as soon as you know and believe what is going on it can become better, but not before that.
Fucking trolls just come into my thread without even reading the posts and give some pointless input like "go to a doctor" or "stop bitching" or telling me to take a happy pill. Seriously just keep your mouth shut if you have nothing relevant to say.

But alright since you are a genius tell me how am I supposed to move on when I have like a million physical symptoms, including nausea, gag reflex, suffocating feelings, irregular heartbeat, muscle tensions, pressure in head, headaches, lump in throat, dizziness, fatigue, etc....

Some of you people need a fucking reality check, sure these theoretical concepts or this so called "advice" is nice to say but you are not living my life.

Next time I make a thread I must specifically say that I don't want any god damn irrelevant advice, all I want is reassurance from people who can actually relate, clearly most people here do not have anxiety at all and don't know the first thing about it.

Anyway can you just quit it now? You are not obligated to reply, seriously, I do not care and do not want to hear it, just keep it to yourself whatever the fuck you wanna say, this thread is for people who actually relate and are able to say something that is relevant, not smartasses who give some "don't worry be happy" advice.

08-21-2014, 08:09 AM
I have the lump in throat/tightness/suffocating feelings as well. This is caused by anxiety. How do I know? Because when I'm not anxious and I am in a good mood, it goes away.
You have to calm yourself down and control it. I'm still trying to figure out how to control mine, that's why I'm here.

08-21-2014, 09:03 AM
I have the lump in throat/tightness/suffocating feelings as well. This is caused by anxiety. How do I know? Because when I'm not anxious and I am in a good mood, it goes away.
You have to calm yourself down and control it. I'm still trying to figure out how to control mine, that's why I'm here.

yeah probably but it is really exterme and it is like sometimes so overwhelming I get nauseous or like have a gag reflex... idk how to describe it exactly. I am not gonna puke but its like a gag reflex... kind of like when you shove your fingers down your throat...

08-21-2014, 09:05 AM
Skizo once more you swear to anyone and I will report you so will other people, I wonder how did you get on this site? You were banned...different computer? Different IP?
Stop insulting people!!!

You adding a lot of anxiety to this forum. Forty seven posts : 38 yours:))

08-21-2014, 10:33 AM
Skizo once more you swear to anyone and I will report you so will other people, I wonder how did you get on this site? You were banned...different computer? Different IP?
Stop insulting people!!!

You adding a lot of anxiety to this forum. Forty seven posts : 38 yours:))

Get lost already, will ya?

08-21-2014, 01:58 PM
Skizo, you are delusional and absolutely disgusting. You're completely letting your anxiety rule your life and you're lashing out at others. How DARE you lash out against me after my initial attempt at helping you. You state we mentioned pills or conceptual thinking? This is not conceptual thinking, your ideas on how to resolve anxiety are jaded as proven by your outbursts and complete angry and negative view on everyone eying to help you.
Reassurance is NOT how to beat anxiety, the idea is to understand your anxiety and not to keep reassuring that you have it! You already know you have it!! You're just giving yourself ammunition to fire and allowance for feeling the terrible way you do. I have every right to report and have you banned for your pathetic outbursts you displayed towards myself and the others who have tried to help.

I won't. You have as much right as anyone to be here, but you best smarten up boy. You want some help from someone who has symptoms and of the such? You're reading the reply of someone! Get over it! Your anxiety doesn't make you special, you're using it to feel significant at this point. Do something with your life, quit allowing yourself to be such a sad excuse of a person and get past your problems like the rest of us are doing. One more outburst and a ban is in your future, then you can find another forum to complain and bitch at people. Or you finally learn and realize we're trying to help you, YOUR choice.

If not then you can continue to enjoy all the symptoms. Once again, your choice, we don't fix it for you. You fix it for yourself. Done.

08-21-2014, 02:52 PM
Skizo, you are delusional and absolutely disgusting. You're completely letting your anxiety rule your life and you're lashing out at others. How DARE you lash out against me after my initial attempt at helping you. You state we mentioned pills or conceptual thinking? This is not conceptual thinking, your ideas on how to resolve anxiety are jaded as proven by your outbursts and complete angry and negative view on everyone eying to help you.
Reassurance is NOT how to beat anxiety, the idea is to understand your anxiety and not to keep reassuring that you have it! You already know you have it!! You're just giving yourself ammunition to fire and allowance for feeling the terrible way you do. I have every right to report and have you banned for your pathetic outbursts you displayed towards myself and the others who have tried to help.

I won't. You have as much right as anyone to be here, but you best smarten up boy. You want some help from someone who has symptoms and of the such? You're reading the reply of someone! Get over it! Your anxiety doesn't make you special, you're using it to feel significant at this point. Do something with your life, quit allowing yourself to be such a sad excuse of a person and get past your problems like the rest of us are doing. One more outburst and a ban is in your future, then you can find another forum to complain and bitch at people. Or you finally learn and realize we're trying to help you, YOUR choice.

If not then you can continue to enjoy all the symptoms. Once again, your choice, we don't fix it for you. You fix it for yourself. Done.

I don't need your shitty advice, what the hell is the matter with your people, learn to take a hint, mind your own freaking business, this is my thread. Take your own advice and calm your tits already, go do something else instead of nagging with me here, I don't need it.
Just piss off already for crying out loud, is that so hard to do? How many times do I have to say to you that I don't want your advice, and much less your nagging?

This applies to Im-Suffering, Dahila, and Xerosnake90, anybody else is appreciated as long as you keep it to the point and say things which are actually relevant and helpful.

08-21-2014, 04:23 PM
And now I'll be reporting you. We don't need this type of message here for others to see. I wish you best of luck, you'll need it since you refuse to listen.

08-21-2014, 07:04 PM
Reported. We can not tolerate something like that on this forum. Everyone has outburst but this is absolutely disgusting

08-21-2014, 08:57 PM
Not sure I'm in the right place but does anyone know how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootise Pop?

08-21-2014, 09:01 PM
Nixon, I guess 38:)))

08-22-2014, 04:29 AM
There's a center in the middle of a tootsie pop? :)

08-22-2014, 05:27 AM
Far too many for me to be patient enough to get to the center without biting it!