View Full Version : What the hell is Catatonia?! ugh...

08-17-2014, 06:22 PM
Hey guys!

Been a month since I've been on here. I haven't had any problems. Until now... ugh..

So, I was watching a video on youtube(bfvsgf), where they brought up depression(out of nowhere). Apparently, this guy's mom was in coma because of severe depression. I was wondering how the hell you could go into coma from severe depression. So who do I ask?? Yep, you guessed it right, Dr.Google.

I went from severe depression to catatonic depression. I've been reading about it and it sounds scary as fuark, to be honest. You become so severe depressed and anxious you get unconscious... ughh..

Did I understand it right? Or is it a mental illness like schizo and not like major depression? I'm not freaking out, but it's reminding me of old days.. :|

Hope you're all doing good!


08-17-2014, 07:02 PM
I'm no scientist, but I'd say it's not so weird when you think about it; after all, someone who's really depressed probably feel comatose anyways, so I guess if it's a really really REALLY severe depression that goes on for long enough, I guess the body could get the impression your body isn't working anymore, and shut it down. You know, like the psychological defense mechanism where the sufferer embodies the psychological issue; manifesting stress through back pains etc.

08-18-2014, 03:11 PM
Elias....... Back away from Doctor Google..... LOL...... dont do it to yourself..... go watch a funny video on google my friend. As for your research, you want to learn and "Empower" your mind. So dont feel like you did something bad, you just got more knowledge and understanding of things! thats it!!!

08-18-2014, 06:40 PM
I watched this video also, she probably.. Did something to harm herself.. And went into a coma. That is why he was so hesitant to talk about it this whole time. If it was a freak incident from being depressed then he wouldnt be as sad as he is. Especially considering she is "getting better "