View Full Version : Hello, I am new here but wanting advice

08-17-2014, 12:30 PM

The other week I went to the doctors because I was feeling lightheaded, fuzzy head when I needed to eat and kept having to eat every few hours. So I got my bloods done for my thyroid and my blood sugar and they all came back Normal. So the doctor said it's just that I have a fast metabolism and to keep up my eating. I used to suffer really badly with anxiety a few years ago but it got better. But now I'm still feeling like I've got fuzzy head ECEN after eating. So I think it's anxiety. But I'm not really that anxious about much. So just after advice really. I work full time and when someone gets a bit close to me I can't breathe and I have to take deep breaths that happened when I used to suffer with it before. The only person it doesn't happen with is my partner. Do really I'm just asking if a fuzzy head and feeling like illish in between meals anxiety related?

08-17-2014, 02:27 PM
You are describing anxiety. They key here is to understand why you feel so invaded when someone breaches your personal space. It's best to look back and understand what caused you to react this way. When we shut ourselves out from other people well usually designate a person to Sustain our needs in their place. Your hubby being that person and thus why you don't get the same "unwanted" sensations as when around others.

Anxiety. Do well on your journey :)

08-18-2014, 01:06 PM
Hello thank you for replying.

How do I ease these symptoms and cope with them? As sometimes when I'm not anxious they seem to appear. The symptoms seem better after I've had my hot meal at dinner and tea.

08-18-2014, 01:29 PM
Low blood sugar can worsen anxiety so that answers why you feel better after eating :)

Ah, coping with anxiety.... I can't. Yet. I think it's very individual how you do it, but my psychotherapist taught me this technique: Whenever you feel like you're losing control, can't breathe, feel dizzy etc., in your head begin to go over everything you see in your surroundings, like this:
"My friend is wearing a green shirt with white dots... If I count them, I can see it's probalby more than 50... She has curled her hair, she's wearing eyeliner... The bus is approaching us where we are standing, it's a bus number 11 going to X..." and so on. :) And also, try to remind yourself that you're not going to die. Even if that's the initial feeling, it's not dangerous.

08-18-2014, 11:58 PM
I'll try that today. I work full time so the symptoms are kinda annoying. What kind of foods will help with low blood sugar?

08-19-2014, 12:37 AM
I'll try that today. I work full time so the symptoms are kinda annoying. What kind of foods will help with low blood sugar?

A natural healthy diet filled with varieties of fruits and vegetables will get you just about all the vitamins you need. Fruit sugars are great for your body unlike actual sugar used in many products. A good meal always helps, keep your thoughts away from you anxiety and focus on positive improvement. It takes a little while but you set your mind to it and you'll overcome your anxiety :)

08-19-2014, 04:48 PM
A natural healthy diet filled with varieties of fruits and vegetables will get you just about all the vitamins you need. Fruit sugars are great for your body unlike actual sugar used in many products. A good meal always helps, keep your thoughts away from you anxiety and focus on positive improvement. It takes a little while but you set your mind to it and you'll overcome your anxiety :)

I may be wrong but I'd say fats ("good" fats and in healthy amounts) are important as well, since they boost a lot of feel-good chemicals in your brain, correct me if I'm wrong? :)