View Full Version : Swollen lymph node in neck

08-17-2014, 09:58 AM
Has anybody experienced anything similar as a result of anxiety? Went for quite a large meal last night, plus two drinks, and a few hours afterwards I began to notice a swollen feeling on the left side of my neck, with bounding pulse and dull ache also present. It's been present ever since. My neck doesn't look swollen but I can feel it when I cough. Any advice?

08-17-2014, 02:44 PM
Lymph nodes are designed to transport and fight infection. There are many of them on your neck, side of your head by your ears and jaw line, armpits, groin area. They will increase with size when fighting infection, some are simply larger than others and can be readily felt when pointing them out. You are searching for a problem and you feel you've found it in the way of a swollen lymph node. If truly swollen and persistent for two weeks it's best to see your doctor so they can check to see what's going on. Seeing your doctor for general check ups and asking them about your worry areas to eliminate those fears will give you piece of mind.

Focus not on your neck, lymph node and the sensation. You may find these sensations only exist when you notice them. Strange, you'll think, it's not there when I busy myself and do what I want for myself. I'll continue to do what I enjoy and not worry anymore, as over time these symptoms have melted away and I look back at the time when such worries persisted and think "I've moved on from that way of thinking". Good day.

08-17-2014, 03:42 PM
If it persists, show a doctor.