View Full Version : I can only tell I'm psychotic when high on Weed

08-16-2014, 02:25 PM
I have been high for about 3/4 of the past 2 months. About 3 weeks ago while I was high, I started realizing how crazy I had been acting since I have been dealing with dissacotiation. Overwhelmed I asked my friend for the truth, and she told me that while in high school it was something that everyone saw in me. It was the scariest thing I have ever found out and tried my hardest to not break down. She said when she first met me, I was a normal kid but just rebellious and then one day it seemed like I just went crazy out of nowhere. The day she said I seemed to have went crazy, was right around the same time I became dissociated. Thinking about it I realize why my parents had me meeting different psychologists/psychiatrists and in and out of adolescent behavior centers. I have been suppressing anger since I was a child, and now I see how it has made me how I am. Sober, I cannot see the craziness, but high I can see how I am way different from the norm. I wanted to know if anyone else has experienced this, or any tips on what I should do. Thanks, your help is greatly appreciated.

08-16-2014, 02:42 PM
I find that weed makes me feel a bit crazy too.. I feel extremely anxious when i'm high on it and I honestly think my body starts to shut down because I truly feel like i'm about to die... it's like my heart is slowing down and I start to feel pulsing in my head and behind my eyes. I can't touch the stuff anymore because it's never a good time for me. When I used to get high, i'd keep to myself and be extremely paranoid and weird while everyone else seemed to be relaxed and having a good time. I would get wayyyyyy too anxious and couldn't handle it anymore.

I recommend not smoking anymore, especially if this is when you feel 'psychotic'. You might feel like smoking weed is the only thing that you enjoy doing and it makes you feel good, but its long term effects aren't good. You should slowly cut down... of course it'll be hard and it might suck for a bit but you'll feel amazing when you finally stop touching the stuff.

Good luck... and you aren't crazy :D