View Full Version : Negative thoughts

08-15-2014, 09:36 PM
I've been on the boards for a few months, diagnosed with dysthymia (chronic depression) and panic disorder. Currently in therapy, not on meds but have an appointment with my gp to discuss meds this coming week. I need some advice on cracking down on negative thinking or negative reel (the term that my therapist and I have adopted).
I go through periods of time where I can go days without having a major episode of negative thinking. Unfortunately the last few months have been rough not only anxiety wise but on the depression side of things as well. I've had very few days lately where I haven't felt severely depressed (my therapist has been made aware of this). We're tracked one of the biggest triggers to this to be negative thoughts and I keep trying to interrupt the thoughts when I have them but so far have been mostly unsuccessful.
On top of that when people around me bring up topics that are negative (which seems to be quite often, not sure if it has always been this way or I'm just noticing it more?) I find my mood bottoming out and the negative thoughts just start rolling one after the other, most of them relating to how I view myself (I do have low self esteem). When I end up with my mood bottomed out I have the tendency to not only talk very negatively about everything but end up being hurtful to people mostly my boyfriend.
Does anyone have any tips? I'm willing to try anything to get the negative thoughts to stop. I'm tired of hurting the people around me.