View Full Version : freaking out right now...

08-15-2014, 03:12 PM
So... for the longest time I have been extremely nervous when talking to girls. With anxiety, comes low confidence, and that in turn generates how I am. Let's just say I put MYSELF in the friendzone. And right now I am texting, quite nervously to a girl...who I sorta hook up with :P she is really sweet and cute, but she is my brother's roommate, and a few days ago under the influence of some alcohol with ended up making out and a little more. No sex involved; she was the instigator and likes me, and me with low confidence of course went for it. but I am just freaking out now. No idea what to say...how to act, or anything. Any advice?

08-15-2014, 09:23 PM
The easiest advice you'll ever get. Just be yourself :) don't focus on you not having confidence, and she already likes you! No matter what went into what, she already likes you. Be the person you are and don't think about it too much. The hard part is already over. Make it happen brother :)