View Full Version : Fatigue tips?

08-15-2014, 01:26 PM
Anyone have some good tips overcoming fatigue, it seems to be my most common symptom.

08-15-2014, 09:28 PM
Symptoms are just that, causes of a bigger picture. Ridding yourself of symptoms is like having a broken bone and going to the doctors. Then saying no, don't fix my bone. Just give me something for the pain. Doesn't really help with the root cause does it?

How about explaining what your anxiety issues are and we can get you going in the direction to get rid of that fatigue.

08-16-2014, 11:18 AM
Well, do you take any medications? Those can definitely cause fatigue. Thats why I had to cut back and take the smallest dose possible. Depression can cause fatigue and so can thyroid disorders, just to name a few.

08-16-2014, 11:19 AM
Get some exercise! The more you exercise, the more energy you will have. Eat right and get plenty of exercise. Beware of too much caffeine. Sleep can affect how you feel too. I have two sleep disorders and lots of fatigue from them both.

08-16-2014, 02:35 PM
I usually get really fatigued when i've either under slept or over slept... I find that sleeping over 8-10 hours makes me even more tired.

Other than that, exercise and eat healthy meals... frequently!! Snack through the day to fuel your body instead of going hours without a meal.

I do drink coffee and some diet coke for my caffeine kick but be careful because with caffeine comes anxiety for many.

08-19-2014, 04:13 PM
Sorry for the late response. My anxiety began around October last year. I was feeling great and better then ever although I did have a lot of emotional sadness from a break up 5 months earlier. Then one day I asked a girl out on a date for next week. I felt excited and nervous about it but I I was happy to be moving forward.

The next day I woke up after getting in and out of bed a couple times to let the dog back in and then back out the house I went to the washroom and all the sudden I felt dizzy, nauseous and felt like I was going to die. This feeling lasted for about 5 min. At the time I was thinking do i call 911 or what. I was scared. I went to lie down on the bed and I was terrified. I tried to to go work right after but felt like I was coming down with the flu. I went home around noon from work as I could not function. I went home and slept for some 15 hours straight. I have never slept that much in my life. Some people said it could have been a sudden drop in blood pressure, others a panic attack, but in reality I don't know what happened and it scares me it will happen again.

The next couple days I felt better but I was stuck with this fatigue that was draining my life. This actually went on for a couple more weeks I also began to google why I felt so tired and of course cancer ect showed up so this just made things worse. I finally went to a doctor and did blood work but nothing showed up that warranted further search or a major health scare. I have had anxiety and fatigue on and off since.

Now something else to consider is that in the last couple months my fatigue has gotten pretty bad, but I have to mention that I did buy my first house, stress at work and my girlfriend is moving, so I am going through huge life changing moments. My girlfriend is great,and i love her a lot, but it scares me that something bad will happen to me in front of her, and I am really hard on myself for trying not to show how weak I am with anxiety.

Right now I take no medication except vitamins. I do exercise once in a while and I sleep pretty good without waking up. But I have noticed that I sleep tense, often sleep in bad potions that I cut off circulation of my blood and I wake up feeling worried about something bad happening to me.

Here is a list of my symtons:

Fatigue/lack of energy
fears ( fear of dying, fear of being in public while have something bad happen to me)
muscle tension
breathing irregular ( more like holding my breath)
Possible Acid reflux