View Full Version : Hopefully some relief soon...

08-15-2014, 07:46 AM
I don't want to keep explaining my history, so here's the deal: serious health anxiety, especially when it comes to my heart. I've thought I was having a heart attack too many times to count even though I'm a moderately healthy, 25 year old female. Yesterday I had a slightly abnormal EKG. PCP didn't seem too worried about it, but referred me to a cardiologist for further testing. Her exact words were "Your results were pretty unremarkable." but yet that slight abnormality is totally throwing me in to a frenzy. Even though it's probably nothing to be worried about, not knowing exactly what it is and what's causing it is driving me up the wall, and probably will continue to do so until I can see the cardiologist next week.

I also went to a psychiatrist for the first time yesterday. He prescribed Lexapro for long term help, and Klonopin in the short term so I can get some sleep. Anyone have any experience with these medications? Thoughts?

08-15-2014, 08:00 AM

I have experience with Klonopin. It stops those panic attacks in their tracks and calms you down. They make you very drowsy at first until your body is used to it. I have panic attacks too when it comes to health. Very common among us :-)

08-15-2014, 08:03 AM
Klonopin works really well to come you down. I couldn't deal with the sleepiness so I don't take medicine anymore. With the klonopin, I recommend taking the lowest, most effective dose so when you don't need it, it will be easier for you to stop.

08-15-2014, 08:52 AM
Klonopin works really well to come you down. I couldn't deal with the sleepiness so I don't take medicine anymore. With the klonopin, I recommend taking the lowest, most effective dose so when you don't need it, it will be easier for you to stop.
Yes the smallest dose just to take off the edge. I am on smallest dose and doing great.