View Full Version : scared of getting sick

Jernau G
08-15-2014, 06:02 AM
This is a big problem for me sometimes. I am especially scared of vomiting and when I feel like it could happen I get more anxious, thus I feel more sick.
Sometimes it keeps me up at night, and even when I fall asleep I keep waking up. It also makes it really difficult to leave the house, because I am worried about getting worse in public.

I always think about the things I eat, and worry that I will get food poisioning, or that there is something serious wrong with me. Completely irrational of course, but I still cant help but to think like that.

Anyone else have this problem?

08-15-2014, 06:14 AM
This is a big problem for me sometimes. I am especially scared of vomiting and when I feel like it could happen I get more anxious, thus I feel more sick.
Sometimes it keeps me up at night, and even when I fall asleep I keep waking up. It also makes it really difficult to leave the house, because I am worried about getting worse in public.

I always think about the things I eat, and worry that I will get food poisioning, or that there is something serious wrong with me. Completely irrational of course, but I still cant help but to think like that.

Anyone else have this problem?

Find the incipient event in your life that formed this belief in food, or susceptibility. This belief, by the law of attraction, draws to you similar thoughts, thus the incessant barrage of unwanted ideas. It is a law.

Find the trauma, either seen or heard (you were taught, or an experience you had, or watching in someone else), change the belief attached to that event(s) which will have immediate effects across the board, and your life will change.

You may find feelings of helplessness, powerless, alone and afraid. Unable to solve problems effectively, self doubt, indecision, abandonment. You may have watched another fall terribly ill and the fear in that child gave birth to the belief. Regardless, you may eat all foods, for the foods themselves are not inherently bad, rather its how you think about them.

Insanity is thinking the same thoughts and expecting change.

End of message, by free will, take or leave it.

08-15-2014, 06:17 AM
This is a big problem for me sometimes. I am especially scared of vomiting and when I feel like it could happen I get more anxious, thus I feel more sick.
Sometimes it keeps me up at night, and even when I fall asleep I keep waking up. It also makes it really difficult to leave the house, because I am worried about getting worse in public.

I always think about the things I eat, and worry that I will get food poisioning, or that there is something serious wrong with me. Completely irrational of course, but I still cant help but to think like that.

Anyone else have this problem?

This is called emetophobia
I have it from time to time.
I advise you search emetophobia in the forum search bar
Hope you feel better soon

08-15-2014, 06:21 AM
This is called emetophobia
I have it from time to time.
I advise you search emetophobia in the forum search bar
Hope you feel better soon

Will all respect, forget what Joe just advised, that will lead you to your demise as you join with the rest of the victims, and draw more fear to yourself, again, by the law of attraction you are getting what matches your fears. Read and think about my post only, do you understand?

End of my replies to this thread.

08-15-2014, 06:23 AM
Edit: Take the advice of I'm suffering. He's the most intellectual member here in regards of anxiety and the psychological aspect behind it. Don't look up what was suggested. You never recommend an anxious person to look up a condition.. Don't go googling any symptoms or conditions at that.

Hello jernau!

Yes, many people have these problems. You're describing anxiety quite well and it certainly is unpleasant. Trouble with sleep and waking up are symptoms, as is nausea and "detracting" thoughts. You understand that's it's irrational though that doesn't take away from the worry some nature of these thoughts.

When finding out the root cause of anxiety I like to ask what things have been happening in your life lately and what have you been doing differently as of late in regards of how you live your life? Anxiety is both challenging and a blessing. In order to beat it you have to become the person you've always wanted to become. It just takes realizing what you want to be and what you're not doing to complete that goal. As people we have needs. We need to be certain of things, have variety. Feel connections and love from others. Feel significant, grow as a person and contribute to our people. Try to understand which of those needs you've been meeting the least and work on changing that. It's a good way to change direction and removing anxiety from your life

Focus is key. You keep focusing on negative symptoms and you'll keep worrying and having more and more severe symptoms. I suggest you read the symptoms list to understand just all the fun ways your brain is telling you that you're doing things wrong for yourself. Anxiety is not permanent unless you let yourself become a victim to your own wants and desires. Feel free to ask any questions you may have and I'll do my best to help.

08-15-2014, 06:45 AM
Edit: Take the advice of I'm suffering. He's the most intellectual member here in regards of anxiety and the psychological aspect behind it. Don't look up what was suggested. You never recommend an anxious person to look up a condition.. Don't go googling any symptoms or conditions at that.

Hello jernau!

Yes, many people have these problems. You're describing anxiety quite well and it certainly is unpleasant. Trouble with sleep and waking up are symptoms, as is nausea and "detracting" thoughts. You understand that's it's irrational though that doesn't take away from the worry some nature of these thoughts.

When finding out the root cause of anxiety I like to ask what things have been happening in your life lately and what have you been doing differently as of late in regards of how you live your life? Anxiety is both challenging and a blessing. In order to beat it you have to become the person you've always wanted to become. It just takes realizing what you want to be and what you're not doing to complete that goal. As people we have needs. We need to be certain of things, have variety. Feel connections and love from others. Feel significant, grow as a person and contribute to our people. Try to understand which of those needs you've been meeting the least and work on changing that. It's a good way to change direction and removing anxiety from your life

Focus is key. You keep focusing on negative symptoms and you'll keep worrying and having more and more severe symptoms. I suggest you read the symptoms list to understand just all the fun ways your brain is telling you that you're doing things wrong for yourself. Anxiety is not permanent unless you let yourself become a victim to your own wants and desires. Feel free to ask any questions you may have and I'll do my best to help.

Off topic for a moment,

Remember, as you give advice, its not often for the OP. For they may be too deep in their current situation, ignore or not understand any of it (by attraction they simply pass by what doesnt corroborate with their beliefs), or they may be inspired to come back to it at a later date.

You are really speaking to the future readers, you see? Who will be drawn to your posts for help through the original thread. The OP is the trojan horse.

You then, from your little corner of your house truly change the world, and that is forever meaningful. I salute you.

08-15-2014, 06:56 AM
Will all respect, forget what Joe just advised, that will lead you to your demise as you join with the rest of the victims, and draw more fear to yourself, again, by the law of attraction you are getting what matches your fears. Read and think about my post only, do you understand?

End of my replies to this thread.

I see what you mean.
Take I'm sufferings advise!

08-15-2014, 07:00 AM
Off topic for a moment,

Remember, as you give advice, its not often for the OP. For they may be too deep in their current situation, ignore or not understand any of it (by attraction they simply pass by what doesnt corroborate with their beliefs), or they may be inspired to come back to it at a later date.

You are really speaking to the future readers, you see? Who will be drawn to your posts for help through the original thread. The OP is the trojan horse.

You then, from your little corner of your house truly change the world, and that is forever meaningful. I salute you.

I'll integrate that idea, excellent advice. I actually JUST private messaged you in regards of people absorbed in their situation, the "can't be helped because I can't help myself" types. This helps that idea as well that my focus should lie in educating the broad spectrum not the individualized person.

08-15-2014, 07:04 AM
I'll integrate that idea, excellent advice. I actually JUST private messaged you in regards of people absorbed in their situation, the "can't be helped because I can't help myself" types. This helps that idea as well that my focus should lie in educating the broad spectrum not the individualized person.

Your help goes across the board. Let the OP trigger you into an intuitive response which will filter down. Rather than place focus here or there, let it naturally happen.

When an artist records a song alone in a booth, she has a message to share. Not sure with whom you see, but eventually the world listens. That song may have been meant for her boyfriend, or in response to an emotion felt for one person.