View Full Version : Circulation cut off!

08-14-2014, 02:46 PM
Oh man! I'm so anxious right now! I woke up early this morning with a bad pain from my wrist where the hair tie was (I accidentally left it there from being overtired) My thumb and index finger on left hand was numb, I left it a couple hours but it never returned! I can move it and everything, it just feel's anaesthetised on the surface and mainly the inside of my thumb!
I had a small panic attack over this (I don't even have local anaesthetic at the dentist if I can help it, as I hate the sensation).
I did call the NHS hotline for advice as I didn't want to go to doctors if it was something silly, the lady ended up telling me to go to A&E to check it out as it was numb for over 2 hours.. went there and the medic told me I wouldn't need it amputated as I can move them, and it might take a couple days to return.
Well it's been almost 24 hours and I can't help but feel anxious that the sensation won't ever come back!

Note to self - Don't wear hair ties around your wrists whilst sleeping :/

08-14-2014, 03:42 PM
Hey there lovely head!

From an action standpoint you already got it figured out. By focusing on the problem you're just causing yourself to worry more about what you've already figured out. Take your mind off of it and carry on with your days as normal . You can move the fingers and that's what matters.

Now those hair ties, get some that don't wrap so tightly around the wrist! Once again just move on and youll be ok :)