View Full Version : Its back!!

08-14-2014, 05:51 AM
Came on here a few months ago and said I was a lot better. Well the last few weeks have been hell. So today iv bitten the bullet and begged for tablets to help me as the ones before I bottled taking. Iv been given Prozac 20mg I would appreciate if anyone has any POSITIVE feedback on these tablets as negative will make me worse and that's not what I need. Thanks :)

08-14-2014, 07:59 AM
Hi little one it is back cause it never left. Anxiety is like addiction, you need to be aware of that and take control. All the time. Prozac is old but good medication. On the right hand side is a small bar with name "Search" put prozac in it and you will find a lot of info. Then you could go to medication subforum and search for prozac too.

08-15-2014, 02:23 AM
I want it to go away I'm struggling to eat now. I feel a mess I don't know what to do with myself I can't eat or drink iv tried relaxing n rescue remedy n watching tv to take my mind off it but I can't do it. Someone help me please :(

08-15-2014, 08:00 AM
Little one, if you can't eat or drink its time to reach out to your support system. Do you have an on call therapist or friend that can come to bring you a shake or something? Don't let your blood sugar drop, that will only make it worse. Yesterday I was having trouble eating until my brother kept asking me to eat and drink things. I stared at my food for 2 minutes before I forced myself to take a bite. Fast forward 12 hours and my appetite came back.

I try to think of two healthy things I can do when I am spiraling out of control. Maybe try to drink some water and go for a walk or try and stretch your legs out on the floor. Anything other than not doing anything will work. Reach out if you need more support. You got better before and if you keep working at it, you will get there again.

08-15-2014, 08:50 AM
It will not go away, you need to take care of yourself. Search the forum for advice, we have thousand of good posts.

08-15-2014, 08:57 AM

While I respect your opinion. I think it is more than possible to overcome anxiety disorder. That doesn't mean that you will never experience anxiety, just that irrational anxiety won't be debilitating. I invite everyone to consider this as a possibility. Even I struggle with believing that, but I think it's possible and I know people have overcome debilitating mental conditions.

08-15-2014, 08:37 PM
Indigo you did not understand my post, there is many ways to overcome it. She is asking when it go away, without the action it will not go away. We need to do something to make it easier. We have people who are struggling with eating too. It goes together with anxiety and depression. anxiety can be unlearned somehow. Little one is a young lady and she can completely heal herself but she must do something now. With the time passing there can be less done. I would and I always do recommend herbal teas, relaxation, meditation, combine with healthy eating and exercises, then some fun:))

08-16-2014, 04:40 PM
Little one, if you can't eat or drink its time to reach out to your support system. Do you have an on call therapist or friend that can come to bring you a shake or something? Don't let your blood sugar drop, that will only make it worse. Yesterday I was having trouble eating until my brother kept asking me to eat and drink things. I stared at my food for 2 minutes before I forced myself to take a bite. Fast forward 12 hours and my appetite came back. I try to think of two healthy things I can do when I am spiraling out of control. Maybe try to drink some water and go for a walk or try and stretch your legs out on the floor. Anything other than not doing anything will work. Reach out if you need more support. You got better before and if you keep working at it, you will get there again.

Thanks. I know the hunger isn't helping as makes me more anxious but it's as soon as I wake in the mornings. I make sure I don't go to bed hungry but the idea of touching food in the morning makes me physically gag n my mouth waters to the point where I'm about to throw up.

08-16-2014, 07:18 PM
Stick with the Prozac and in a few weeks you'll feel a little better and in 6-8 weeks you'll feel a lot better. The first few weeks are tough though, getting used to something new in your body. I actually quit Prozac because I gained too much weight on it. It was wonderful for my anxiety, and I got good sleep, but it increased my appetite way too much. I hope you feel better soon. I'm on a small dose of lexapro now and it doesn't affect my appetite as long as I keep my dose low.

08-18-2014, 12:29 AM
Stick with the Prozac and in a few weeks you'll feel a little better and in 6-8 weeks you'll feel a lot better. The first few weeks are tough though, getting used to something new in your body. I actually quit Prozac because I gained too much weight on it. It was wonderful for my anxiety, and I got good sleep, but it increased my appetite way too much. I hope you feel better soon. I'm on a small dose of lexapro now and it doesn't affect my appetite as long as I keep my dose low.

Thanks. Ye that's what I'm worried about and why I'm putting off taking them because I'm scared of how they will make me feel. I am starting a new job in 4 weeks and wanted to have them in my system before I start incase they make me feel rough. I feel like I go round in circles :(

08-18-2014, 01:13 AM
Understanding your anxiety is part of the riddle. Check out this thread: http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?29354-Understanding-your-fears-The-origins-of-your-anxiety

Physical manifestations and the such are an end result, not the root problem. As suggested a great course of action is to practice meditation, do the things that you love and keep your focus away from the symptoms. Change your plan of thought. "I look forward to a meal when I wake up". Positive reinforcement behind positive ideas will carry through to your subconcious mind. These changes take time to implement, however you will learn to appreciate the small changes over time. Small amounts over a long period of time add up to large amounts of good. It will manifest to your soul and produce a care free and symptom free you :)

You can do it, and enjoy your new job!