View Full Version : Nausea without stress?

06-12-2008, 04:06 PM
Hi, I'm a noob. I have very rarely had any attacks. I had the start of one, but never felt like I was going to die or any of the typical panic symptoms. I think my biggest issue is heartburn which can go hand in hand with anxiety.

I have no stress and everything's going well. I'm happy and feel comfortable with my life. My only fear is claustrophobia which is minor. ie, I have no problem with elevators but anything real close freaks me out. But I never have to deal with anything like that anyway.

My biggest and most dreaded symptom is nausea. Any prescription pills make me sicker. Except Xanax & antacids. The Xanax actually helps my stomach feel better. I take a very small amount (.25mg) maybe once or twice a day (usually with lunch). I take antacids quite often...I've even done the long term Prilosec thing which helps a little but not fully. I no longer take vitamins. I eat all the right foods and avoid caffeine (though I drink green tea), alcohol, spicy foods...anything and everything that could potentially make it worse. I've read a lot about this and do just about everything to try to help myself.

The only thing that helps is cannabis which I have a script for. My general doctor is aware and okay with it. I read here that it doesn't help for some but its the only thing that takes away my nausea and allows me to eat. Otherwise, I'd probably be anorexic. It works as a wonder drug for me.

Could I be stressed unconsciously ...and not realizing it? Or is it more heartburn than anxiety?