View Full Version : White coat anxiety

08-13-2014, 11:47 AM
Accidentally posted this in the welcome forum, meant to post here earlier... Anyway, I'm 34 years old, female. I have anxiety and high blood pressure which I take a beta blocker for. I suffer from health anxiety I guess you could say. I am currently taking Vistaril as needed for marked anxiety. I can't take SSRIs (weight gain, brain fog) & won't take scheduled drugs. I have terrible white coat syndrome. Since I have high BP, I always feel this need to have a good reading when I go in to see my doctor, and that in turn causes my BP to skyrocket. I went in to see my cardiologist today for a yearly checkup, and it was really high when the tech took it. First it was 160/94, then 143/103! My pulse was up as well. My EKG was normal he said. I asked him if these readings were normal. He said with all of my past normal tests, it was ok that the readings were that high. I've had an echo of the heart, several EKGs, blood work & have seen three different cardiologists. He said I have benign tachycardia and high BP. He said he felt my anxiety was causing this. He was only in the room a short time though, and said he'd see me in a year. My BP readings are normal at home. I started Vistaril two months ago, for the health anxiety attacks. I took it today before seeing my cardiologist. It definitely calmed me some, and helped my pulse rate, but I still freaked when it was time to take my BP. It's a vicious cycle. Anyone else deal with this? I'm planning to start changing my diet & exercising more to help.
PS- Ironically I'm an LPN... lol

08-13-2014, 11:57 AM
My boyfriend doesn't have GAD or any other diagnosed anxiety disorder, but his blood pressure raises significantly when he goes to see his cardiologist. At home it ranges from 115/75 - 130/85. At the cardiologist, 150/95 - 170/100.
His father died of heart disease at a very young age so he immediately tenses up when he walks into the office. You, on the other hand, may tense up because of your hypochondria. I hope I answered your questions and didn't just go off rambling, I'm a bit sleep deprived.