View Full Version : Apps for managing anxiety?

08-13-2014, 10:58 AM
Good afternoon everyone. First time post from someone who has lurked for a while. Given the vast amount of amazing apps that are available for iPhones and Androids, I'm surprised that so few quality apps exist for people who have anxiety. There are numerous apps that exist, but they feel like basic replications of workbooks or pen/paper techniques that we have traditionally used. Given that so much of CBT is homework driven, and given that we carry our phones with us all of the time, I'd think there would be better options available. I guess I'm writing to hear your views on two separate things. First, do you use any great apps? I've tried SAM, MyCBT, MoodPanda, etc. Second, why do you think that there aren't many great apps for helping with anxiety?

Irish Sammie
08-13-2014, 06:07 PM
Hey Karltiestor,

Look up "Headspace". They give you a 10 day free trial and it'll give you a sample of what it can do for you. Basically you download 30 minute meditation lessons each day, something new and interesting to see. I'd recommend it. Check it out for yourself.


10-06-2017, 09:27 PM
Mood triggers is a good app on android!

10-07-2017, 05:53 PM
This is my answer to your second question: It’s my impression that many apps that come up when you look for anxiety apps are designed to help people with normal anxiety, not with a disorder. That's why you'll see in their comment section people saying that their anxiety totally disappeared with the app, which was not your case.