View Full Version : Nocturnal Panic Attacks

08-13-2014, 08:27 AM
Anyone get them?
I used to get them every once in a while, but nothing major. Visited the ER last night for the first time since February (very big feat for me!) and since have had panic attacks wake me up every 15 or so minutes after falling asleep.
I'm tired. My body is tired. I'm tired of fighting this demon in what seems like a lost battle.
Please give any tips on how you overcame or fight through nocturnal panic attacks.
P.S. I have taken 1 mg of Klonopin (usually take only .5mg) and NOTHING -- NADA. This has never happened before. I'm afraid I'm sinking deeper and I don't know if I can handle it.

08-13-2014, 07:59 PM
I had them and ended up to take 0.5 mg at 8 pm to help me with it. I sleep better, I also use guided meditation before sleep. Are you saying that it did not occur after taking Klonopin? Or the Klonopin did not help?

08-13-2014, 08:36 PM
I think I get them. Occasionally I'll be thinking about being young, a happier time, with my dad perhaps. And then I realize he is gone and I panic in my dream and try to cry for help and have no voice.

08-13-2014, 09:46 PM
I think I get them. Occasionally I'll be thinking about being young, a happier time, with my dad perhaps. And then I realize he is gone and I panic in my dream and try to cry for help and have no voice.
Yeah mee too when I think about people I lost and the dog which died in my arms..... There is a lot of good things in life and every day is a gift, everyone should focus on the good things, and they happen every day :)

08-13-2014, 10:11 PM
Sorry, Dahlia, I was not clear. Yes, I have taken Klonopin. 2mg now in 24 hours and a little more than 3 hours of sleep in past 48 hours. I'm exhausted!!! Klonopin is making me EXTREMELY tired, but not calming my mind like it usually does. Tired of fighting it! Just plain tired!!

08-14-2014, 07:56 AM
Anxious stop upping it up. Go to doc and get something for sleep. I use Zoplicone for years. Clonazepam should calm you down. I had been there and I struggle all my life with insomnia. Not very often i have 8 hours of sleep. I am constantly tired for the last 40 years. You are very agitated and upset because you can not sleep. You need to be in special mood to go to sleep, not to worry that you will not sleep. You should try to meditate..
click me please, and try (http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?27912-Guided-Meditation&highlight=guided+meditation)

08-14-2014, 11:41 AM
Have you tried Kava-kava root liquid drops? You can get them at whole foods but they are non addictive and don't cause the hangover feeling of klonopin. Of course you need to check with your doctor first because kava-kava can interact with benzos. Not sure if you are taking anything else but do check in with your doc either way.

08-14-2014, 03:28 PM
Thanks guys for the input! Klonopin finally helped and I was able to sleep TWELVE hours last night! I really needed it! Will look into your suggestion.

08-14-2014, 07:37 PM
Congratulation on such long sleep :)) Just try not to take more Klonopin try to take less, the best is small dose. It is benzo and you eventually may have to cut it down

08-14-2014, 07:53 PM
I try, definitely. I'm prescribed to take 2mg a day, but only take .5mg as needed (usually only a couple days a month). With the recent set back (ER visit and severe panic attacks), I thought it was best to nip it ASAP rather than falling back into 6 months worth of panic and debilitating anxiety. Today, I've only take .5mg, and I feel fine. :) Thankfully I believe this "episode" is coming to an end. I have one refill of Klonopin left after I finish this one, 60 1mg pills. I hope to not have to refill again and maybe switch to all natural remedies. Thanks for your help the past couple of days. I truly appreciate it! :)

08-14-2014, 08:51 PM
Anxious, lets have some safety blanket and keep the pills , take smaller doses just cut in half then fourth, ...till the time you do not need it at all. Meditation helps, herbal teas help; Vitamin B Complex help to strengthen the system and made better response to stress. Valerian root is awesome, lemon balm, camomile, all this work. Now you work on keeping the "episode" at bay. Mind over the body, you must know that. We actually cause our panic attacks, it is our response to stress. The best option is to reprogram yourself. I know all this but for me there is not much I can do except meditation. I will be stacked with meds to the end of my life (will not take that long) but I always want people to consider different approach. Medication is the last option:)) I wish you luck and Hopefully you will come here to help others :)

08-14-2014, 09:20 PM
Hey guys, in regards to getting some sleep I strongly recommend an app called "calm". I only have the free basic programn unlocked but whenever I have a hard time falling asleep I use it and usually pass right out. It's a meditation app and clears your mind quite well. It's always helped me fall asleep , on a busy minded night it hasn't always helped me stay asleep but at least getting there is no problem.

Take charge everyone and do well on your journeys!