View Full Version : Dizzy and lightheaded during exercise

08-13-2014, 12:53 AM
I have been dealing with GAD and panic for the past year and a half. I have constant tension in chest due to my anxiety over having a heart defect.
I've seen 17 (!) cardiologists in the past 5 years, i've done many tests like ECG, an Echo, a Stress Test, Chest X ray, blood tests all came back normal.
While the anxiety seems to be improving, every time I do some sort of physical fitness, I get very dizzy and lightheaded.
Even if I'm lifting boxes for 5 minutes I get these feelings. Has anyone experienced this or know what's going on?
After that, i started to google (really BAD idea), I read it could be hypertrophic cariomyopathie.

Anyone else has/had similar experiences?? How can one overcome this.

08-13-2014, 06:01 AM
Hello Rik!

When it comes to anxiety levels that include symptoms I strongly recommend checking out the symptoms list thread and understanding just how strongly anxiety can affect you. Now youve seen 17 different specialists, had multiple tests done and still you seem to fear heart issues. Your focus is far too much on the negative idea that something could be wrong. Our focus dictates intensity and integrity for that process. If you focus on one thing in a negative manner, as in your heart, then you will stay stuck with that feeling and will this have problems regarding that thought. You will feel heart palpatations, chest pains, things of that sort. I urge you to stop focusing on your heart. You've done multiple tests, seen SO many specialists. You need to allow that to put your mind at ease.

In regards of your dizziness or feeling light headed, this is another issue of focus. You've determined that whenever you do anything to exert yourself you will feel that way. Your mind now fears this idea as a result of your anxiousness. When the mind fears something such as a physical idea it can manifest that idea into a true feeling.

Some notes on this. We fear the unknown, however when we know what's happening for certain we accept that information. You need to reverse your negative mindset and believe that your heart is fine. As likely don't focus on feeling dizzy or light headed through exertion as once again. What you focus on is what you make happen.

Action: I recommend you begin a physical training regime involving weight lifting. The type of repetition and exertion used in weight lifting focuses more on a stop and go rather than steady exertion from cardio activities. You must focus on starting your reps and when finished, focus on the next reps. Not be weary of possible symptoms, but focus on your training. Not only will you do this to overcome the idea that physical exertion is detrimental for you. It'll strengthen your muscles, including the one you worry about so much. Your heart.

Closing statement: We make happen what we focus on. Focus on positive ideas I regards of your heart and integrate physical training with a positive focus to overcome your exertion fears. Let us know how it works out and ask away if you have any question.

08-14-2014, 12:50 AM
Hello Rik :)

I can relate a lot to your situation.. During vigorous exercise I often get very weak, lightheaded and sometimes I start to see little white dots as if i'm about to faint. I think it has to do with low sugar levels for me.

While it could very well be linked to anxiety, always make sure to eat something small before a workout and always be in reach of some kind of sugary drink during your workout.

Stay hydrated as well!!! Good luck, hopefully this helps:)

08-14-2014, 01:54 AM
Hello Rik :)

I can relate a lot to your situation.. During vigorous exercise I often get very weak, lightheaded and sometimes I start to see little white dots as if i'm about to faint. I think it has to do with low sugar levels for me.

While it could very well be linked to anxiety, always make sure to eat something small before a workout and always be in reach of some kind of sugary drink during your workout.

Stay hydrated as well!!! Good luck, hopefully this helps:)

Hello pumpkin. What leads you to assume low sugar levels cause your symptoms? A "sugary" drink is never the answer if lightheaded or dizzy during exercise. Your body creates and uses it's own sugars based off of the foods you eat and the things you drink. Taking in a sugary drink is only adding a substance to your blood that will quickly wear out and cause you to crash even harder if your natural useable sugars/energy isn't there to begin with.

If you're feeling extremely fatigued during before or after workout I can give you two answers. Neither involve a sugary drink. Proper nutrition is a must for daily basis and especially if you're going to be doing rigorous exercise in which your body has to focus on recovery. My second answer is absolutely anxiety especially if you have a preposition believing exercise exhausts amd causes dizziness in you. When I was recovering from my stomach flu, which may have just been extreme anxiety symptoms id find myself at the gym in such a negative mindset. My energy would be non existent, I was so fatigued and under that I had such little motivation to lift. And sure enough once I came to grips with me having anxiety my stomach issues went away and I'm up to training 6 days a week after having lost 20 pounds of my already light frame. If your nutrition is proper i recommend a training partner to help BEAT YOUR LIMITS!

I've started training with my father and I've never had a better workout partner. I can safely say without him to push me is have given up at times instead of fought through. No limits but what you set for yourself, have someone snap you out of a funk if you get there and learn to push your own limits! Keep winning the fight fellas!