View Full Version : Annoying thoughts

08-12-2014, 11:44 PM
Since my anxiety started I have been alternating between good days or weeks and bad days or weeks. When the bad days come they’re usually followed by extreme insomnia which only intensifies the whole problem. It’s so easy to forget the good days and feel hopeless those days. When I’m going through the bad days I usually get two particularly annoying thoughts that are very persistent in my head and unhelpful.

The first idea that keeps appearing in my head when I’m feeling anxious for days is: “This is it, I’m going to feel this anxious for the rest of my life. I’m doomed”. So far the anxiousness has always disappeared and the good days arrive until the next time.

The second annoying thought I get is that when I’m having difficulty sleeping and in some cases am not able to sleep for a whole night I start thinking: “This is it, I’m never going to be able to sleep again. I will be tortured until my body gives up and I die from lack of sleep”.

What I want to ask you guys is whether these thoughts aren’t entirely unreasonable. Is it possible for someone who suffers from anxiety to be stuck in a never-ending panic or anxious-state? Also, aside from super rare things like fatal familial insomnia, is it even possible for people with anxiety or insomnia to never to be able to fall asleep again? I know that once I had to go to the hospital after not being able to sleep for a few days and the injected me with something to calm my system down. I've never heard of someone dying because their body simply wouldn't let them sleep.

08-13-2014, 02:24 PM
Since my anxiety started I have been alternating between good days or weeks and bad days or weeks. When the bad days come they’re usually followed by extreme insomnia which only intensifies the whole problem. It’s so easy to forget the good days and feel hopeless those days. When I’m going through the bad days I usually get two particularly annoying thoughts that are very persistent in my head and unhelpful.

The first idea that keeps appearing in my head when I’m feeling anxious for days is: “This is it, I’m going to feel this anxious for the rest of my life. I’m doomed”. So far the anxiousness has always disappeared and the good days arrive until the next time.

The second annoying thought I get is that when I’m having difficulty sleeping and in some cases am not able to sleep for a whole night I start thinking: “This is it, I’m never going to be able to sleep again. I will be tortured until my body gives up and I die from lack of sleep”.

What I want to ask you guys is whether these thoughts aren’t entirely unreasonable. Is it possible for someone who suffers from anxiety to be stuck in a never-ending panic or anxious-state? Also, aside from super rare things like fatal familial insomnia, is it even possible for people with anxiety or insomnia to never to be able to fall asleep again? I know that once I had to go to the hospital after not being able to sleep for a few days and the injected me with something to calm my system down. I've never heard of someone dying because their body simply wouldn't let them sleep.

I have gone through the severe anxiety phase, after the first onset of anxiety attack, I had several days of not able to sleep at all, it is like you are trying to sleep and may be sleeping but you are fully awake. That phase lasted for 3 months. Later I started to take melatonin and drink milk at night. This was helping to get some sleep slowly and things kept improving, most annoying part when going to sleep was listening to your own heart beat, no matter what I try it was just there, slowly I adjusted with listening my own heart beat and sleeping. You will never die, anxiety cannot kill you.

08-13-2014, 03:33 PM
Hey Help, I have had many of these "Annoying" Thoughts, Its just like a mosquito. It cant kill you but its annoying as hell!

You will have them but the difference is how you think about those thoughts. The first one I want to address is the Sleep. Sleep is important, YES! But its not something you need to be anxious about. What I mean is instead of beating yourself up for not sleeping. You need to tell yourself that its ok, Oh well I didnt sleep tonight. I know I am tired and eventually I will fall asleep sometime.

Mentally you need to get past things that make you feel uncomfortable thinking that something is seriously wrong. Imagine, when you were out partying with your friends, or studying for a mid term or even playing games all night. You didnt sleep then. But you eventually fell asleep the next day. Now if you go a whole week without sleeping then maybe you need to see someone. But the anxiety builds up and causes you to get those adrenaline boost that keeps you awake. You just need to realize, meh if I fall asleep I fall asleep. If I dont no big deal, I will deal with the day and get on it the next!

Good luck! and as above said, anxiety wont kill you.

The other technique I use often, is play a game in my head before I go to sleep. like a round of golf, or tennis match etc. It keeps my mind focused on something specific and then bam I fall asleep!