View Full Version : Anger

08-12-2014, 03:18 PM
Okay I'll make this as quick as I can.

Panic attacks since last Nov, growing in intensity. Been on Clonazapam for a month. Only take it once or twice a week.

Experiencing mood swings of irritability, anger and a rotten mood. These episodes happen days after my last Clonazapam dose, even 5 days after. The anger comes from no where. In the past, after a panic attack I would feel this for the remainder of the day if I didn't take anything. Now I get them after 3-5 days of feeling okay.

Usually this is what happens. Take Clonazapam for one day, next 3-5 days are fine. Then I'll get in a rotten mood where I cannot even talk to anyone. Voices annoy me. I'm agitated.

Before we blame this all on Clonazapam, I have to say before I ever took a benzo I experienced this to lesser degrees. Annoyed by people's voices, no zest for life. Not to the extreme I feel now. I realize I may have had this problem for years without panic attacks.

I'm starting Zoloft in two days. What can I expect?

Long before I developed panic attacks I would experience dreams of rage, where I'm breaking stuff around the house in a rage. Did my mind know this was coming?