View Full Version : Venting to a friend went wrong

08-12-2014, 12:30 AM
So I finally opened up with a friend on how I've been struggling to leave my home due to anxiety... I told her I can't drive anymore. I have constant dizziness an shortness of breath an how I feel like I'm going to lose my mind sometimes like a crazy person screaming yelling kicking jumping out of a moving carbis what's constantly on my mind.
She got weirded out an asked what happened to me?
How does a normal person who drove for hours happy an was always on the go always has to be doing something just stop an stay home because of dumb reasons....
I said they aren't dumb reasons it's serious to me!
She also asked how is that even possible to think like this an believe the thoughts...
She's obviously normal living a normal peaceful life with no worries so it's easy for her to say that.
But I now regret opening up
An now I feel like shit! Horrible sick dizzy can't breathe want to just scream an cry
Why is this happening to me!?!?
I'm so embarrassed I feel so lost I feel mentally disabled.... Mentally ill I'm just sad now.
In a weird way I feel like she liked hearing that I go through this but hey that might be my anxiety making me paranoid..... An then she also said OMG BE CAREFUL WHEN YOURE ALONE WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WHEN YOU PASS OUT ALONE OR IN FRONT OF YOUR TODDLER? an I just had to throw a fake smile on an say that won't happen anxiety plays tricks on me... Then she replied wow stay home don't go out you can't faint driving or with your baby you need someone with you at all times dizzy spells are no joke an can hurt you? At that moment I felt like I will never be healed from this an have my normal like back she really put me down an now I'm just really sad. I thought letting my anxiety an mental issues out through venting would help but I feel worse :( just thought I'd share my experience I had with my "friend" I know a lot if you guys know how to make me feel better :)

08-12-2014, 01:28 AM
Not sure how helpful this will be but I'm sorry that your friend reacted that way. Some people just don't understand anxiety and how crippling it can be to people. I have shared my struggles with anxiety with very few people because in the past I have had the experience that you had with your "friend." The last time that happened it was an ex-boyfriend. I was experiencing some anxiety symptoms and it got so bad one day that I had to explain that I had anxiety. In the end my anxiety was part of the reason the relationship didn't work out.
That is one of the reasons I like this forum. This is one of the only places that I can come to where people understand what I'm going through.

08-12-2014, 12:07 PM
I'm sorry to hear that :/
Being afraid of those types of reactions is what has made me hide that from my friends, even from my boyfriend. But, that's just my fear because, I know so many people who have had panic attacks, I don't think they would be judgmental regarding my anxiety.

Anyway, agree with superchick22684 , these forum helps a lot.