View Full Version : Need advice on getting better

08-11-2014, 07:14 PM
Hi everyone!

I'm feeling a bit stuck at the moment. I'm 25 and I lost my job about 5 months ago. I was answering calls for a tele-distributor and when the company got new owners we got new quotas for sales and the pressure went up.
2 months after the change I couldn't keep up and kept getting visits from the supervisor about the quotas I haven't met.

Anyways, fast forward to today and even though I thought I'd open back up to people over the summer with sports and parties,
I'm still not much better and since I don't get any money and live with my mother I'm really starting to feel the pressure to find work. It seems though like any job will make me feel like my last job and looking like a fool makes me terrified.
I really don't know what to do. My emotions are all over the place. I can be in a very good mood and then something doesn't go as planned and I just lash out.
I'm trying to find some kind of job that would fit the bill but it seems like it's impossible, since even before my anxiety issues, finding a job was incredibly difficult.

It seems like a vicious cycle too...I feel really anxious because I don't have money, and I can't find work because I'm too anxious...
Please help?

08-11-2014, 10:38 PM
Your thought process is inhibited by your fear of failure. Yes you lost your job and work is hard to come by, but why succumb to your fears in search of another job? The only person whom you look a fool to is yourself, you're the only person that your self worth affects. You're avoiding your fear of failure and that is why anxiety has a hold of you. Your friends aren't consumables, you can see them with or without going out. Don't limit yourself to "I only see them wen we have stuff to do" because then you're once again avoiding something else.

Start spending time with your friends, have you stopped other activities you normally enjoy because it's tough to do without a job? Make it happen anyway, don't let yourself sink away. And as far as work goes, start applying wherever you can. At this point anything is better than nothing. Of you're unhappy and making money it's better than being unhappy and not making money. Take charge of your life, don't let yourself be a victim. Good luck and if you have any more questions please ask.