View Full Version : Anyone else experience diminished 'executive function'?

08-11-2014, 07:00 PM
By executive function I mean skills like time management, ability to get organized for the day, make lists, prioritize etc.

I'm not generally great at this stuff but it seems like it's all gone right out the window since anxiety and depression came back.

In fact, "what should I do next" is probably one of my largest triggers.

I welcome any advice or tactics for overcoming this!

08-12-2014, 01:34 AM
The more anxiety that I experience the harder it seems to stay organized and time management has gone from okay to dreadful. I try to use a planner and make lists but it only helps a little. I also have a little problem with double checking my work so that slows things down as well. I could use some tips as well.

08-12-2014, 01:46 AM
Yes...actually it is 3:42 where i am at so i'm doing it right now xP zombie mode but still letting my mind wander... I typically feel like I always WANT better organizational tools, or organization methods for time management and college, but usually only half ass it. I'm pretty OCD about cleaning though, and life occasionally,just motivation leading to dedication is the hard part.

08-12-2014, 11:48 AM
Yes. Definitely get what you mean.
It's funny because I've been dealing with anxiety for three years now, medication and all , and I never felt this. Just lately, one month or so, I started to feel these difficulties. I have OCD (well, not diagnosed but I think so), and that makes me verify everything. Still, lately I forget things in places; just the other day I forgot something at home I needed to get to work, and when I got home I realized I had forgot something at my work that I should've taken home. Being perfectionist, organizing things has always been easy and pleasuring for me but now, it's hell. Just don't know where to start.
I've always heard that taking meds for too long (3 years in my case) may have an influence in our brain (memory, attention span,...) but I'm just feeling it now, that I'm tappering it