View Full Version : How many people here have had therapy?

Two One
08-10-2014, 02:35 PM
I recently started seeing anew psychiatrist because I felt my old one just did not care enough to help me. I have a lot more faith in my new psychiatrist, based on everything I told her during the evaluation she said I would respond best to therapy given my attention to details and natural desire to learn. She's going to wean me off of Lexapro and she's given me 0.5 mg of Klonopin to use as needed. I've only used it once so far and it was like a Godsend. I can't believe how much better it made me feel. Within an hour of taking it my mind was clear, my mind wasn't racing and I for the first time in a long time I felt normal. If something happened I felt like I could cope with it as well as an anxiety free person would. I didn't feel over-sedated or drowsy whatsoever. All of the muscle tension in my back was released, it was incredible. The effects lasted me a good few days. But this past Friday I started therapy with a psychologist my psychiatrist referred me to. After one session with my therapist I have renewed faith. I honestly think this may fix me. She was easy to talk to and I feel like she actually understood what I'm going through.

So for those of you that have had therapy, what was the experience like for you? I've heard mixed reactions. For some people it has made all the difference and for some it didn't do very much at all. I'm cautiously optimistic about it right now. It's going to be intensive cognitive-behavioral and exposure therapy weekly for eight months. I really hope this works because I don't know what options I have left if this fails me.

08-10-2014, 02:51 PM
Hi. Just wanted to say that's so good to hear! A good psychiatrist is so hard to find and the fact that your new one just "got" you is brilliant. What a way to start - keep it up you are giving us all well needed Hope.
I've had a few therapists and it's about gelling with them. They either "get it" or they don't and you seem to have found some awesome people. I wish you Wellness and a smooth road to recovery. Of course you will have your ups and downs and maybe even think "this isn't right for me" at some point - but stick with it and remember how you felt right now.
Be well 😊

08-10-2014, 07:42 PM
I've had a good therapist for years now. It has done me so much good. Not only has he helped me with my anxiety, but with other things as well.

08-10-2014, 07:55 PM
I had a few psyhcologists in highschool. I found them no help at all. If anything it made my stress worse...

I then got referred to one as an adult by a doctor a couple of years ago. She was the best therapist ever.... I just goes to show it takes some trial and error to find what's right for you. Since seeing her ive stopped having spontaneous attacks. I only have them when I am genuinely stressed, which is so rare now its fantastic. Good lucki and best wishes with your therapy xx We're all here for you!! xx

08-10-2014, 08:40 PM
I have had to switch therapists and psychiatrists a lot to find the right people for me. that's great that you feel you click with your new therapist already, hold onto that renewed hope! It really does all depend on how much you're putting into the process, and how you relate to your therapist. Sounds like you're off to a good start!

08-11-2014, 02:53 PM
Gone through a couple..... I have been fortunately to run into some good ones. The funny part is, though there are 2 approaches.

My first Therapist, was very active and game a lot of exercises and helped me greatly.

The second was quite the opposite but still effective, she listed to me talk, for almost half hour it was just me unloading on her. She really didnt do much, but she still helped in here own way.

Find a system that works for you and dont be afraid to switch it up. As you change your needs change a little too!

08-11-2014, 05:42 PM
In the end, therapy is the ONLY thing that truly helps. A good CBT or EFT should be able to illustrate to you without preaching the flaws in your thinking. In the end, your thinking is a bunch of boxes and arrows. You get triggered into one box, and then your thinking follows the arrow to the next box and the next. It is this second and third reaction that is the cause of anxiety and depression, not the initial trigger.

Meditation, exercise, CBT, and healing trauma because trauma (or avoiding future trauma) is where the arrows between the boxes came from in the first place.

08-12-2014, 01:17 AM
When I was first diagnosed about 7 years ago I was in therapy for about a year and had a really good therapist. The experience was overall very positive and the experience helped me through some of my issues and problems. This April, I decided to go back to therapy because my anxiety/depression symptoms started going downhill again. My new therapist has been extremely helpful as well.
My best advice for you is to find a therapist that works for you. If you find that you are not comfortable opening up to them or find that they can't relate to you that well try to find a different one. Hope that your therapy goes well and helps with your anxiety.