View Full Version : Help! Terrified

08-10-2014, 02:11 PM
I havnt been on in a while. Too much going on. Going to keep this as short as possible. Hope someone can relate and help.
I have anxiety disorder that's "a constant level of distress" rather than panic attacks altho I get those too.

I feel completely terrified all day. And I mean TERRIFIED. My legs hurt so bad. I'm exhausted, weak, feel sick have no appetite, mind is overstimulated and I'm so frightened something awful is going to happen.

Things are somewhat tough right now. My eating is not good. My mum is ill. My brother was recently diagnosed with cancer as has my mother in law. Everything is so grim. And while I'm good in "Emergency situations" I can't cope with Me.

I've a therapist and when I simply couldn't attend he said well I think you should attend and it wasn't appropriate to cancel. But I'd explained there was an emergency with a family member.

Anyway that was last week. It's today I'm so scared. I hurt all over I'm weak and I feel I just can't cope anymore. I met some friends last night for a celebration and managed to stay a few hours but was SO overstimulated I couldn't relax when I got home and was up all night.

I feel my life is out of control and I've no one to talk to.

Please if there's anyone who can advise or relate please respond.
Thank u.

08-10-2014, 04:34 PM
So sorry to hear about the troubles you're going through and with your family. It's a tough situation, everyone has their battles and right now you need to focus on yourself as much as others as you can. Anxiety is what we fear controlling our lives and what we focus on is a major part in that. With everything playing out the way it is you're focusing in many grim ideas, as you mentioned. You're being pulled into a completely negative mindset that has taken a hold of you. The only way for you to regain control is to ignore all the pains, all the terrible things going on and instead replace them with positive ideas. You need to see your friends, speak with your therapist. You came here to a place where we all know and understand what you're going through.

I've had general anxiety all my life. I truly didn't realize it until about a month ago and I was finally able to understand what I've been feeling my entire life. I would get stuck, drawn into this mindset that I just want to avoid everyone and everything. I told myself I did t like people because they're "stupid" and I can't tolerate that. I've avoided love and connection because I've been hurt and just shut myself down or off of it. Couple of months back I started to get the feeling that I was dying, I got drunk with my friends and when the night was over I just felt that feeling until I got some sleep. Then a week or two later I was hit with stomach flu. To be honest I don't even know of it was real. I had a panic attack when it came on, full blown and I was freaking out. For two months i was sick and I kept swinging back and forth between health. Health anxiety took over, I couldn't even watch video games without feeling scared or disturbed. Driving became a constant grip on "I'll be ok". The thought of randomly dying was on my mind constantly. I missed work, I felt horrible and treated everyone with aggression and dismissal. Finding out about my anxiety through this rough manner was the best thing that happened to me.

I'd say it's been a month since I realized anxiety controlled my life so much. And I can happily say I've been getting better since that moment. Don't let me fool you it's still an uphill battle. But by changing your thought process to positive and uphill ideas you can overcome this. I've already noticed my thought pattern change from the negative it used to be. You must understand that anxiety is what's controlling your thought process. You need to let yourself understand the things you love to do and go out there and do them. I know the feeling of being overwhelmed when around your friends. But let me tell you, you need to allow yourself to feel accepted and just let yourself enjoy that moment. Everything you question you won't enjoy, even if it's out of your way, just do it and let yourself enjoy it. Don't tell yourself it's not for you, it's not your scene. You're just allowing the anxiety to hold you down. YOU control your life and how you live it. And here is the single most Important part about it all. You have to believe that. Believe in yourself that you will get better. Want proof that it works? Well just look at anxiety. Things scare you, life looks grim, you have no appetite. And you know why? Because you believe that. That is hands down the simplest truth that you can understand regarding how your brain works. Now you just need to switch the negative thought switch up to positive and you'll beat this.

We are here for you. I'm here for you. Any questions you have I will attempt to answer. As a matter of fact, I want you to think of a question for me or someone else to answer. In regards of how you can improve something in your life, regarding whatever subject you choose. When we look for answers we tend to believe what we find. This is your first step in regaining control. You've got nothing to lose just by thinking and asking one question. You want help and that's why you're here. That is your mission right now in getting better.

08-10-2014, 07:38 PM
Did you therapist recommend an antidepressant to calm you down at all?

08-11-2014, 04:10 PM
Hey Billash, Wow!!! Lots of stuff going on! lots and lots and lots of stuff.

You need to refocus your thoughts and your drive! This is my opinion. What I mean by that is right now you are so overloaded and overload with negative things, it is steering you into the abyss.

First off my suggestion is, to refocus your thoughts to be the "Rock". What I mean is that everyone is dealing with illness you need a distraction. That distraction is being the strong foundation for your family. You need to shift your mind to be the support beam where you can get your mind of the panic and anxiety.

The physical pains and ailments are probably amplified by all the stress, I bet once you are active or distracted all those things start to disappear a little!

Again many ailments are associated with your anxiety. As it goes up you become more sensitive and it just seems to get worse.

Hang in there you are going through a lot no doubt. But be the strong one! You can do it!

11-11-2014, 07:05 PM
Sorry I Havnt been here to reply I just want to thank u guys so much for taking the time to read and reply to me. It's so appreciated.
Yes I am the "rock" in the family - Akways have been - but it's just too much.
Some days are good. Some days are bloody awful.
This evening is the latter again.
Being the rock- I Hav realised that Yano what? I don't hav a rock for me. And that's hard to deal with.
And people's patience ev n the people closest to you - it runs out.
I'm really not being negative - it's just how things are right one.
But thereis one thing I will say with hand on heart- I have never stopped trying. I have and continue to try to overcome this anxiety disorder/ this anirexia (yes I'm a guy it happens to us too).
Pls excuse the spelling anxiety&panic is quite high right now. Thanks again for ur replies.