View Full Version : Help with my panic attacks

06-11-2008, 07:10 PM

I’ve recently been having the most EXTEME panic attacks.

I’ve suffered from panic disorder for ages and I’ve had some terrible episode in the past but recently they’ve been on another level completely.

They’re also different. I was just wondering in anyone can help me.

They start when I get a funny sensation in my head and then suddenly I become overcome with tiredness, I can’t think clearly. I can’t do anything but lie down and shutting my eyes.

I also start to feel VERY depressed, like all of a sudden my whole life, my whole reality just seems so desperate.

My whole body starts tremoring, I start swinging my arms and legs around, rubbing my head over and over again (for some reason) and I cry like a little girl.

I start hitting things and I can’t breathe or speak. Anything I try and say doesn’t make sense, and normally I just yell out pathetic words like ‘help me’ or whatever.

They last for ages. I can’t sleep, don’t feel like eating and for the first time in my life I’ve decided that if this continues, I’d probably consider ending my life.

I’ve been put on Duloxetine (Cymbalta) which apparently takes a while to work. I’m still knocking back the ativan daily and I’m also now going to start taking Zopiclone to help me sleep.

Please, I’d really appreciate any advice. This past week has been the worse ever in my short life. I can’t cope.


06-13-2008, 02:34 AM
I feel great empathy for you. Please know that suicide is NOT an option for you, or anyone.

You CAN feel better. Hang-on, there is hope.

If you feel that you can not cope, please involve yourself with emergency psychiatric care even if you have to call 911.

I've had to do it, and it saved my life.

06-13-2008, 02:54 AM
I don't know if this helps, but medications I have taken in the past have caused both suicidal and, strangely enough, homicidal thoughts.

If any of those reactions occur, stop taking those meds, and consult a doctor immediately.

06-13-2008, 03:31 AM

Thanks for the reply - I'm trying to arrange an urgent appointment with a Psychiatrist at the moment, basically to get assesed.

I've also been taking some new medication that appears to be helping.

I will keep track of my thoughts, like you say suicidal ideation ect can occur with these type of drugs.

I'll go start to the Doc shop if I begin to have these terrible feelings more often.

06-13-2008, 05:04 AM
Best of luck for you. Sounds like you will do well.

Special note: Suicidal or otherwise perverse ideation is a known side-effect of psychoactive drugs. The most critical point is to recognize that it is from the drug, not you.

You seem to be already aware of this, and will help combat ideation from going any further.