View Full Version : swallowing only im public

08-09-2014, 03:20 PM
when im home i have no problems with my swallowing issues, where i always feel i need to be swallowing

but at work or in public i get that feel why?

is it cuz i think of it?

08-10-2014, 01:29 AM
Hi Jans88. It might be because you think of it, yes. Do you have social anxiety? Agoraphobia? Is there anything with being at work or in public with people that scares you?

Remember that difficulty swallowing and throat closing up is a very typical symptom of anxiety. I have had it myself, and the more I thought about how hard it was to swallow and how dry and tight my throat was, the more difficult it became to swallow. I also stopped talking, because I felt I had to make an effort getting the words out. I also felt my tongue was swollen. When I stopped thinking about it, or my brain shifted focus to another symptom (I have GAD and health anxiety) the swallowing and dry mouth issues disappeared. Now I don't feel anything on a daily basis, but I might if I have an anxiety attack.

Try to register when you have difficulty swallowing - as long as you do not feel this all the time, and you in fact do not have any problems at all when you are at home, I can safely say that this is definitely anxiety related.