View Full Version : Acne due to anxiety/stress?

08-08-2014, 11:54 PM
Hey everyone,

So lately I've been having more of an acne breakout than usual. I've cut down on the benzoyl peroxide and am trying to pinpoint the breakout. Now I've been reading that gluten intolerance can be a big thing towards it, as well as contributing to anxiety and stress. I'm insure if I'm intolerant to that or dairy, I really don't know because I've taken in both plenty in my life. I realized I have light levels of keratosis pilaris, which became more prominent on my face as well. I never had wheat bread until I started a healthier diet, same with brown rice. I would however eat white bread and rice. Anyone have experience with gluten intolerance and/or anxiety and acne? It's a frustrating idea trying to pinpoint exactly what causes it.