View Full Version : Is my dizziness/unbalance anxiety or an inner ear/TMJ issue?

08-08-2014, 01:10 PM
Hi I'm new here. I'm Camille and I'm 23 and from Washington D.C. I realize this should probably go in the welcome thread, but oh well here I am. Let's get into it.

November of 2013 I had this terrible sensation of someone slapping me in the face, right on my left ear, and then I lost my balance. It happened in front of co-workers and it was really scary. Just sitting down eating lunch, got up to leave, BAM! like a force a nature. They all thought it was dehydration or that I stood up too fast and I went ahead and let them think that because they don't need to know the inner workings of my anxious brain.

So I'm panicking, trying to get back to my desk. All the while, it felt like the floors were moving or that I was falling sideways. I felt myself grabbing onto the wall for balance. My left ear was in massive pain and was ringing. At this point I couldn't distinguish between whether or not I was dizzy because of my ear of if my anxiety was making everything worse. Anyway, I went crying to my boss, saying I felt dizzy (which was true), and that I needed to go home. I walked around an outdoor plaza, thinking that fresh cool air and some perspective would help. Nope. I downed two Ativans because I was in a complete tizzy, and I booked it home.

I tell my mom (who is an advocate for me seeking anxiety help but who doesn't necessarily understand the whole thing) that I think I experienced vertigo out of no where. No ear infection at all, just vertigo. I make a doctor appointment and everyone in that office kinda probably knows about me and my anxiety by now, so they kind of just wrote it off as a one time vertigo type deal and sent me on my way without further analysis (ugh). She said I should get a blood panel but I never did because I'm afraid of what they'll find in my blood, health anxiety, we all know about that. What ended up happening is that I self diagnosed myself with TMJ because I knew I did clench my jaw a lot, made my brother (who is a dentist) give me a free mouth guard for nighttime, and went about my business.

Sometimes I chew gum or something tough like a carrot and I get dizzy, or my ear will do this popping thing and then I go into a panic. But then sometimes I can eat anything and nothing happens. Or sometimes I'll get dizzy and feel unbalanced when I've been chewing nothing at all. The sensation like you're about to fall over or be sucked up into the sky...

I'm trying to figure out whether the anxiety is informing the TMJ/inner ear stuff or whether the TMJ inner ear stuff exists independent of the anxiety. Just yesterday I was in the bookstore tilting my head sideways to look at the book titles and when I straightened back up my dizziness and unbalance is there again which makes me think it's an ear thing. Of course I panicked and left immediately.

It feels unreal, like a very dizzy dream. Has anyone else experienced this with along with their anxiety? It's ONLY my left ear. Literally only the left side of my body ever experiences anything. I'm trying to make sure it's just psychosomatic or if I seriously should see someone about my jaw and my ear....?

08-08-2014, 01:44 PM
Hi I'm new here. I'm Camille and I'm 23 and from Washington D.C. I realize this should probably go in the welcome thread, but oh well here I am. Let's get into it.

November of 2013 I had this terrible sensation of someone slapping me in the face, right on my left ear, and then I lost my balance. It happened in front of co-workers and it was really scary. Just sitting down eating lunch, got up to leave, BAM! like a force a nature. They all thought it was dehydration or that I stood up too fast and I went ahead and let them think that because they don't need to know the inner workings of my anxious brain.

So I'm panicking, trying to get back to my desk. All the while, it felt like the floors were moving or that I was falling sideways. I felt myself grabbing onto the wall for balance. My left ear was in massive pain and was ringing. At this point I couldn't distinguish between whether or not I was dizzy because of my ear of if my anxiety was making everything worse. Anyway, I went crying to my boss, saying I felt dizzy (which was true), and that I needed to go home. I walked around an outdoor plaza, thinking that fresh cool air and some perspective would help. Nope. I downed two Ativans because I was in a complete tizzy, and I booked it home.

I tell my mom (who is an advocate for me seeking anxiety help but who doesn't necessarily understand the whole thing) that I think I experienced vertigo out of no where. No ear infection at all, just vertigo. I make a doctor appointment and everyone in that office kinda probably knows about me and my anxiety by now, so they kind of just wrote it off as a one time vertigo type deal and sent me on my way without further analysis (ugh). She said I should get a blood panel but I never did because I'm afraid of what they'll find in my blood, health anxiety, we all know about that. What ended up happening is that I self diagnosed myself with TMJ because I knew I did clench my jaw a lot, made my brother (who is a dentist) give me a free mouth guard for nighttime, and went about my business.

Sometimes I chew gum or something tough like a carrot and I get dizzy, or my ear will do this popping thing and then I go into a panic. But then sometimes I can eat anything and nothing happens. Or sometimes I'll get dizzy and feel unbalanced when I've been chewing nothing at all. The sensation like you're about to fall over or be sucked up into the sky...

I'm trying to figure out whether the anxiety is informing the TMJ/inner ear stuff or whether the TMJ inner ear stuff exists independent of the anxiety. Just yesterday I was in the bookstore tilting my head sideways to look at the book titles and when I straightened back up my dizziness and unbalance is there again which makes me think it's an ear thing. Of course I panicked and left immediately.

It feels unreal, like a very dizzy dream. Has anyone else experienced this with along with their anxiety? It's ONLY my left ear. Literally only the left side of my body ever experiences anything. I'm trying to make sure it's just psychosomatic or if I seriously should see someone about my jaw and my ear....?

I can relate to this so much! All the symptoms you described i have had, my vertigo can be quite severe and i can feel like i am moving! For me Its just anxiety

Your brain can mąkę all sorts of weird symptoms because of your thinking

Get fully checked for inner ear problems so you can focus soley on your anxiety :)

Wellcome to the forum !

08-08-2014, 05:00 PM
The number one thing is get your ear checked out so your anxiety can be at ease. The whole "left side" phenomenon is interesting and there's another topic right below us discussing it. I try not to tell myself only the left side feels symptoms, I try not to tell myself anything regarding symptoms actually however. I noted my left side got certain symptoms and the right didn't. Seems others share the same.

In regards to your vertigo/balance/ear symptoms. You need to understand why this happens in simple terms. You have developed a fear for this sensation and mind state. Whatever sparked it is underlying, and why that certain idea is up to you to find out. But your fear drives your vehicle, you must take back control of your vehicle. Overcome the idea that you fear those sensations. Getting checked will alleviate fears that you have an actual ear issue. That will let you focus on accepting that these incredibly real symptoms are created by your mind. You cannot allow the fear to control you any longer.

I'm seeing my doc on the 18th. I've alleviated my stomach problems and fears. I'm going to discuss with him some tests to run to alleviate other fears I may have. Even if I have not been worrying about them actively, eliminating that what if is just another piece of liberation. Do the same if necessary, good luck, you can beat this :)

Edit: and one more thing! Check out the symptoms list thread. It'll help you understand just how much your mind can make happen to you. Dizziness and vertigo, as well as room movement and such are all symptoms. That should alleviate some fears as well!

08-08-2014, 07:38 PM
I recently have been experiencing dizziness too however with mine, nothing spins--I just get the feeling that I'm about to get dizzy but never truly do. Sometimes it seems like things are shifting or feeling like I am on a floating dock. I saw the doctor this past week and one look in my ears and she knew it was allergy related. Apparently my ears are very clogged and the tubes inside are folded! I have allergies but never have had them this bad. A look down my throat confirmed sinus issues as my throat has "cobblestoning" which are bumps in the back of my throat that indicate chronic drainage from the sinuses. Nasty! It helped put my mind at ease though that what I feel isn't anything serious. It doesn't help that I expect to feel it everyday but that's my anxiety popping in. Never hurts to get checked by a professional. They can help assure you that what you are experiencing is benign. :)

08-08-2014, 08:54 PM
I get LOTS of dizziness and off balance feelings. Some days I feel like I can't even walk because my brain feels like it's swimming inside my head. It's frightening and I then become aware of EVERYTHING happening in my body so my lips will tingle and off I go into a panic. It's bloody awful

Autumn Hazel Rain
08-19-2014, 07:03 PM
oh how I can relate! And cant seem to figure if its my anxiety, tmj, allergies, acid reflux, or all of the above that makes me feel dizzy, and unreal. I hope you all the best and am interested to hear of your solutions.


08-19-2014, 08:21 PM
Hi you need to go to Ent no jokes with vertigo. I had not know about inner ear or vertigo till 15years ago. On the top of that I have a hearing loss and vertigo; constant now. I really think you should check everything. Inner ear infection can occur without other signs that vertigo. It is important to check it out. When there is nothing you will feel calmer, it is important.
eugovogue welcome to the forum:)

Autumn Hazel Rain
08-20-2014, 12:24 AM
thats true, the more we go undiagnosed, the more we stress and cause anxiety. it is a vicious cycle.

08-20-2014, 02:56 AM
Hi I'm new here. I'm Camille and I'm 23 and from Washington D.C. I realize this should probably go in the welcome thread, but oh well here I am. Let's get into it.

November of 2013 I had this terrible sensation of someone slapping me in the face, right on my left ear, and then I lost my balance. It happened in front of co-workers and it was really scary. Just sitting down eating lunch, got up to leave, BAM! like a force a nature. They all thought it was dehydration or that I stood up too fast and I went ahead and let them think that because they don't need to know the inner workings of my anxious brain.

So I'm panicking, trying to get back to my desk. All the while, it felt like the floors were moving or that I was falling sideways. I felt myself grabbing onto the wall for balance. My left ear was in massive pain and was ringing. At this point I couldn't distinguish between whether or not I was dizzy because of my ear of if my anxiety was making everything worse. Anyway, I went crying to my boss, saying I felt dizzy (which was true), and that I needed to go home. I walked around an outdoor plaza, thinking that fresh cool air and some perspective would help. Nope. I downed two Ativans because I was in a complete tizzy, and I booked it home.

I tell my mom (who is an advocate for me seeking anxiety help but who doesn't necessarily understand the whole thing) that I think I experienced vertigo out of no where. No ear infection at all, just vertigo. I make a doctor appointment and everyone in that office kinda probably knows about me and my anxiety by now, so they kind of just wrote it off as a one time vertigo type deal and sent me on my way without further analysis (ugh). She said I should get a blood panel but I never did because I'm afraid of what they'll find in my blood, health anxiety, we all know about that. What ended up happening is that I self diagnosed myself with TMJ because I knew I did clench my jaw a lot, made my brother (who is a dentist) give me a free mouth guard for nighttime, and went about my business.

Sometimes I chew gum or something tough like a carrot and I get dizzy, or my ear will do this popping thing and then I go into a panic. But then sometimes I can eat anything and nothing happens. Or sometimes I'll get dizzy and feel unbalanced when I've been chewing nothing at all. The sensation like you're about to fall over or be sucked up into the sky...

I'm trying to figure out whether the anxiety is informing the TMJ/inner ear stuff or whether the TMJ inner ear stuff exists independent of the anxiety. Just yesterday I was in the bookstore tilting my head sideways to look at the book titles and when I straightened back up my dizziness and unbalance is there again which makes me think it's an ear thing. Of course I panicked and left immediately.

It feels unreal, like a very dizzy dream. Has anyone else experienced this with along with their anxiety? It's ONLY my left ear. Literally only the left side of my body ever experiences anything. I'm trying to make sure it's just psychosomatic or if I seriously should see someone about my jaw and my ear....?

I get balance issues and dizziness because of my anxiety. It has become an indicator that I need to slow down. However, if you are really worried about your ear, go and let it get checked out. That way you can be sure it is anxiety.

Also a very warm welcome to the forum!

Autumn Hazel Rain
08-20-2014, 04:18 AM
I have spent countless nights looking up ear problems and anxiety. It is beyond weird that when anxious, your body can make you feel like you have an ear infection, among other things.
I get balance issues and dizziness because of my anxiety. It has become an indicator that I need to slow down. However, if you are really worried about your ear, go and let it get checked out. That way you can be sure it is anxiety.

Also a very warm welcome to the forum!

08-20-2014, 08:15 AM
I do agree that anxiety causes dizziness, but It is Important to exclude the other problems.

08-20-2014, 03:48 PM
I have spent countless nights looking up ear problems and anxiety. It is beyond weird that when anxious, your body can make you feel like you have an ear infection, among other things.

It really isn't that strange. I must admit that I looked it up in the past month, because I was concerned that my dizziness wasn't anxiety. After days of research and typing in my symptoms on my usual websites, because I am a serious hypochondriac (getting better now), I found out that the dizziness and the balance issues were caused by anxiety. Even so, it is always better to go to a doctor, even if its nothing. You could have an ear infection for example, making your balance issues a bit worse. It happened to me before and I noticed a big difference afterwards. You have the right to ask questions and the right to get medical advice, so let a doctor put your mind at rest :)