View Full Version : feel like I can't breathe

08-08-2014, 12:36 PM
I'm starting to wonder if my relationship is causing a lot of my anxiety. My partner lives with his parent's but happily stays at mine a few times a week, eats my food and spends my money without contributing to anything. I am coming into money and he has for days nagged, moaned, shouted at me to chase my solicitor for the money even though it's my money he's already mentally spent it and is talking about holidays etc. I lost it earlier and asked him to leave and that I don't want to be with him anymore. He refused to leave and called me anattention seeker and user?? The argument has left me in a state of panic. I feel like iI can't breathe. I'm shaking really bad and I'm dizzy. He has gone to bed like everything is ok even though I don't want him here. I'm in such a state I feel like going yo a friends house as I can't handle even walking into the same room as him as I know my nerves can't handle anymore :(

08-08-2014, 12:47 PM
Whenever I have fights or disagreements with people I'm in close relationships with I also feel really panicky and anxious. I think my advice for you would be to try and find a way to calm down (talk a walk, listen to a song, drink some tea, go to that friend's house--separate yourself from the problem somehow) so that you can compose your feelings. And then at the next possible chance sit down with your partner and tell him how you feel, you know rather than going to wake him up now in tizzy or even worse, pretending like everything is okay.
Also it sounds like he's a pretty toxic person. Deflecting from the fact that he's a moocher by calling you names instead. Textbook workings of someone who is just a little immature. As with all people who deal with anxiety, the best thing you can do is to rid yourself of toxic things be them people habits foods or attitudes. Think to yourself if it's worth not only your health but your time and money to be with someone who doesn't have kind regard for you. You must really take care of yourself and accept that you're worth someone truly caring, nurturing and providing for you, monetarily and emotionally. Good luck doll.

08-08-2014, 01:14 PM
Hi manda, You're feeding him and letting him spend your money AND he can come and go as he pleases? Sponge comes to my mind!!! As long as you let him do that he will continue. If you love this guy set him straight now or it will go on forever plus you will see if he loves you. Good luck

08-08-2014, 02:52 PM
Thanks for your replies. Iv now heared for myself how he feels. I told him he needs to start helping out more not just lay around all day having his meals brought to him. I even pay his mobile bill etc as well as trying to pay my own bills. He simply stated you knew I didn't work so screw u I will find another girl who can support me and il get over u. I'm shook up but he's left and that's that. I may have my problems but I am not a fool.