View Full Version : Waiting to see a doctor

08-08-2014, 11:01 AM
So about a week ago, I had the meds talk with my therapist. She thinks that in addition to having regular appointments for counseling that meds could be a benefit as well. I posted last week about how I was unsure about whether to try meds or go the herbal/supplements route. Huge thank you to everyone that responded, I found the advice to be very helpful.
So I just had another counseling appointment yesterday and we discusses meds vs. herbal/supplements and at this point since being on antidepressants was beneficial last time that's probably the route we are going to take. So I decided to call today to schedule an appointment with my gp. I don't have insurance so I haven't been to the doctor in awhile so I'm now considered a new patient. That means that the earliest that they can get me in is two weeks from now.
I tried to emphasize that I have a history of depression and panic disorder and that I have panic attacks to the receptionist. Hindsight I don't know why I bothered, I just feel stupid now. Only reason I've bothered is that my depression and anxiety has been more severe for the last week. Last weekend I had three panic attacks in 24 hours time, two of them were 30 minutes or less apart. I know that compared to some of the people on this board that's not much but I had been panic attack free for about 3 weeks prior.
So now I'm kind of stuck. I have to wait 2 weeks with no guarantees that medication is even a possible treatment at this point. I've been having sleep issues for over a month and my appetite has been practically nil for a week. My counselor had me take Beck Depression Inventory yesterday and the results indicated that I'm severely depressed. I am not suicidal.
I'm also having problems going out and doing normal stuff like seeing my boyfriend and hanging out with friends. Last Saturday, I went out with my boyfriend and a few friends and had horrible anxiety the entire day. We went to see and movie and I struggled to stay in the theater because I was so uncomfortable. That was the evening where I had the two panic attacks. I don't usually have this issue so I'm getting a little concerned, I don't want to develop agoraphobia.
I don't know what I'm asking for at this point, I guess advice on how to cope. I'm pretty miserable at this point, I'm losing interest and motivation in hobbies and finding that going to work and focusing on work tasks is increasingly difficult. I don't know why its this hard to see a doctor, do I have to go to a hospital and lie just to get help?