View Full Version : anxiety

08-08-2014, 06:05 AM
So this is my first time posting here but I feel as though I need to talk to people who experience what I am feeling to get the best advice possible. I have been dealing with panic disorder, manic depression, and social anxiety since I was 18 and as the years have been going on its been getting worse. I'm not 27 and about a year ago i was hospitalized for all of them because I had a mental breakdown. I didn't know what to do. In a way I still dont. (Sorry I'm a terrible speller and grammar isn't the best either just to warn you guys) Since then I have been battling to keep my sanity. I work a full time job and have a girlfriend of 2 and a half years. But lately it's been really bad to the point I had to call out of work. It just gets to a point and I feel so uncomfortable. I start to shake, throw up, can't think straight, a cold worry some anxious feeling in my stomach, arms also feel very cold, and startino to form agoraphobia. I take all my medications. Yet I'm still feeling all these feelings. I haven't been able to get in touch with my physiatrist so I'm bugging out. I want to call out of work agian today it's that uncomfortable.

Lexipro - 20mg
L-Methylfolate - 15mg
Lamictal - 100mg
Vitamin C - 500mg
Klonipin - .25mg (emergency only