View Full Version : Afraid to go back to it all

08-07-2014, 02:30 PM
Hey guys, I'm kinda new this forum and I normally don't do this, however the more i research and try to figure out my difficulites the more I see the words "social anxiety" and these forums come up. I'm here because I'm tired, probably much like all of you guys reading this...if anyone is reading this. I'm tired of not acting like myself, I'm tired of my heart steadily racing, tongue tieing up, and my overall quality of life taking a turn for the worst. Naturally I feel like I've always been a more outgoing, happy go lucky, funny person that has never had many worries besides maybe wondering what was the best way to crack a joke or make someone laugh. However, ever since childhood I always would have severe moments of shyness intially upon meeting new people, something that I was very aware of but always wrote off as natural given the situations. Whether it had been distance relatives of astranged family friends I had always took on a shy alter ego opposed to my otherwise happy go lucky self that my close friends and relatives were so accustom to seeing. These few instances however, like I said, were always written off and I continued through my childhood and adolecense without a care in a world.

Fast forwarding to a sudden life change in which I completely relocated as a freshman year in highschool, that shy alter ego that would only make very few appearances eventually became a leading role in who I was in life. I was suddenly thrown into a situation much like t

08-07-2014, 02:35 PM
Wow....I had 5 paragraphs on this and it got deleted. I'm gonna die lol

08-07-2014, 02:43 PM
Long story short...I found myself again in college after making subtle changes and due to a bad relationship I lost myself yet again. I'm not necessarily unconfident, I just get really anxious in upcoming situations. I thought I figured it all out at one point, but apparently i have a new mountain to climb. (I'm pretty pissed that none of the 5 paragraphs of what I wrote was saved)

08-07-2014, 04:25 PM
"what if" are two words most of my sentences started with

Fearing upcoming situations or things is a pretty spot on definition of how most people suffer

Your mind is pretty smart though.

You have just created some bad thought habits growing up

As you trained the mind to think one way, it can be retrained to think differently

Essentially creating new reactions to your own thoughts

We watch a scary movie and we react with fear but we realize it's only a movie so the fear subsides once the girl who of course fell while running away gets saved by the dude you swore had his had chopped off 5 minutes ago.

But for some reason the movie we play in our mind about a social event gets treated as reality and we proceed to be anxious and/or panic

FEAR. false evidence appearing real

The goal is to separate your thoughts and Anxiety's thoughts

Think about who is sending you a message. You or Anxiety

Don't buy what Anxiety sells

08-07-2014, 10:06 PM
It's just a terrible feeling man. I feel like once I get past the feeling and apprehension I'll be fine. It's just getting over that hurtle thats the tough part. If you don't mind, could you read the rest of my situation on the other thread I started. I finally conjured up the energy to write the rest of it all over again. :D