View Full Version : "You are fine"

08-07-2014, 09:45 AM
I was out taking one of my daily walks this morning. The sun was shining and it was a beautiful morning. I have this health anxiety, and I am scared of motor neuron diseases, hence all the walking and exercising.

I've been struggling with a fear of MND for three months, and I haven't had a single day without it. Not even after I did all the necessary testing, and ruled out the disease.

But today, during my walk, a thought suddenly hit me: "You are fine. You are going to be fine". And I had this little feeling of happiness. My legs weren't as heavy - it was easy to walk. I wasn't tired. For a little moment, I saw my body with different eyes - with a different state of mind. All the atrophy I believed I had, I could no longer see. It was weird, but such a wonderful feeling.

Today was a day of freedom.

08-07-2014, 10:25 AM
The brain is pretty powerful, ain't it? :)

08-07-2014, 12:26 PM
It sure is!

08-07-2014, 01:24 PM
That's amazing and proof that you're gradually taking back your own mind! :)

08-07-2014, 01:46 PM
I was out taking one of my daily walks this morning. The sun was shining and it was a beautiful morning. I have this health anxiety, and I am scared of motor neuron diseases, hence all the walking and exercising.

I've been struggling with a fear of MND for three months, and I haven't had a single day without it. Not even after I did all the necessary testing, and ruled out the disease.

But today, during my walk, a thought suddenly hit me: "You are fine. You are going to be fine". And I had this little feeling of happiness. My legs weren't as heavy - it was easy to walk. I wasn't tired. For a little moment, I saw my body with different eyes - with a different state of mind. All the atrophy I believed I had, I could no longer see. It was weird, but such a wonderful feeling.

Today was a day of freedom.

Wel done, i will try that approach

08-07-2014, 02:03 PM
The first start to healing is believing that you are healing! Awesome! congrats on hitting that first step.

Its gets a lot easier from there!

08-07-2014, 03:20 PM
Thank you all, it feels good :)

08-07-2014, 03:52 PM
And feeling like that and seeing you get better, even if only glimpses at a time, proves that you can and will defeat your fears

08-07-2014, 11:26 PM
Beautiful, congratulations! These break through moments are exactly what we all need to feel. I'm very happy for you.