View Full Version : Went to the ER

08-07-2014, 09:43 AM
I went to the ER yesterday
They did a blood test I got a EKG and another test(forgot the name) checking my blood pressure laying down sitting an standing?
My head has been feeling empty really jittery inside the back of my head an stiffness in my head if that's possible?
I left crying because they just said its anxiety
The dr didn't want to give me any head tests a CT scan or head MRI he just said its stress/anxiety
This feeling is making me go crazy it's not going away I can't sleep I'm begging my fiancé to take me to a different hospital to get a 2nd opinion but he keeps saying no I need to not convince myself something is wrong
I now feel like something is going to pop in the back of my head I feel like I have Tourette's or I'm going to have a seizure or have brain cancer.... This feeling in the back of my head is making me crazy I'm so scared I just want to sleep but I can't get comfortable this is the worst symptom ever an when I think to hard about it I get really nauseous an start gagging does this sound anxiety/panic related I'm finding it hard to believe

08-07-2014, 10:27 AM
Hey stephanie21 did they give you anything for the anxiety since thats what they said it was?

08-07-2014, 10:32 AM
Hey stephanie21 did they give you anything for the anxiety since thats what they said it was?

Well I made it clear how terrified I am of medication so he recommended magnesium which I'm scared to take that too but I'm going to take it later on today when I feel really tired

08-07-2014, 10:36 AM
Ok, try and get some sleep. Peace to you stephanie21. By the way magnesium really has no side effects what so ever i have taken it for some time. Just a FYI