View Full Version : What did I experience today?

08-07-2014, 12:19 AM
Hey everyone!

Today was a "rough" day you could say. Looking at it now I enjoyed it but I kind of want to understand what I went through. I had a hard time sleeping, kept waking up and going back to sleep. I woke up with a headache that's stayed with me all day. I was feeling nauseas and have not felt like eating all day, though I have been anyway. I hit the gym with my dad, and I felt spurts of nausea throughout the day. It was hard for me to enjoy the things I usually enjoy and I feel it's because of the headache.

Being a possible anxiety symptom, was I just focusing on the headache too much? I know focusing on a symptom spikes anxiety for me and it's hard to ignore a symptom if it's a headache. I'm feeling better now but I'm looking forward to some night time meditation and getting a good night of sleep. I've been telling myself I'm going to sleep well, wake up refreshed and not anxious. This takes time to sink in of course but I'm working at it.