View Full Version : Hi im new here and struggling with anxiety

08-06-2014, 09:43 PM
Hi I just wanted to introduce myself since I'm new here and tell everyone what I'm dealing with and maybe yall can help or I can help someone else that's having the same problems as me... I have been struggling with anxiety for 8years on and off.. The first three years I just stayed in my safe zone about 10mins from home but then I decided it was time to see a doctor to get help.. After I was on some medicine for a while and started seeing a therapist I got better where I could start going out places that I hadn't been in years and it was great but after about 2 years of not having any real anxiety I thought I could slowly come off my meds... It wasn't but as couple months after coming off the meds that my anxiety started back and within 2 months it was in full blast and even with me back on my meds and seeing a therapist its got me stuck back in my comfort zone for the last 9months and its driving me insane!! So if anyone can give me some advice I would be very Grateful!!!

08-07-2014, 02:45 PM
What meds?

08-07-2014, 03:54 PM
What meds? we'll I was on lexapro 20mg for a while but now I'm on Zoloft but haven't really noticed any change..

08-07-2014, 05:17 PM
I wish I could give you advice, but I hope that you will soon get through this. Sometimes when I find myself afraid to leave my comfort zones, I take what I like to call "baby steps." For example, I want to travel but I'm very anxious about it. I've been taking little day trips instead that hopefully will help me adjust.

08-07-2014, 05:46 PM
I wish I could give you advice, but I hope that you will soon get through this. Sometimes when I find myself afraid to leave my comfort zones, I take what I like to call "baby steps." For example, I want to travel but I'm very anxious about it. I've been taking little day trips instead that hopefully will help me adjust.. Thank you very much and I'm trying but it's hard which everyone that has this understands that.. Today I went with my girlfriend to her work to pick up her check an which is about 15mins from my house and I almost didn't think I was going to make it but I kept pushing and made it.. But even tho I did it and feel good about it.. It doesn't take long for me to get back to the feeling that I can't overcome it.. And the stress here lately is worrying the crap out of me.. And I haven't really worked in the last few months because I do construction and going to different jobs got hard for me and worrying that I couldn't preform like I should and let them down..I forgot to and that it is my dad and uncles I work for which helps.. But I'm really ready to get my life back together I miss being at work and going out with my girlfriend and friends!!