View Full Version : Great deal of anxiety

08-06-2014, 07:12 PM
Hi everyone, I am new to this forum and I'm having a lot of anxiety for stupid things lately. Im always worried that the past will caught up to me. I have a good job for the first time in my life and im always worried i will lose it for something stupid. I also do not trust most people except my family and close friends.

As an example, i was at best buy one hour ago and there was a black Altima that parked next to me or i parked my car next to it, i dont remember exactly. Then I went to the store to get a cable and when i got back to my car the car was still in his car with his door opened and he was looking suspicious. Then, as soon as I left, he left. I was driving and my car was behind him and he was switching lanes and rolling fast as if he was escaping from me. Am I overreacting here?

08-06-2014, 09:08 PM
You are describing a fair deal of paranoia. It's no different than assuming someone that upset you did it on purpose. The key thoughts to have are why would this person be avoiding me instead of are they avoiding me?

Anxiety is a powerful thing. In order to understand it you need to understand what bothers you, how it conflicts with your life. Understand the things you want out of life and aren't getting. The great thing is you can fix it. Don't be afraid to be yourself and look at yourself from the outside. Those things can open your eyes to what you need to do to better yourself.

08-07-2014, 09:59 AM
You are describing a fair deal of paranoia. It's no different than assuming someone that upset you did it on purpose. The key thoughts to have are why would this person be avoiding me instead of are they avoiding me?

Anxiety is a powerful thing. In order to understand it you need to understand what bothers you, how it conflicts with your life. Understand the things you want out of life and aren't getting. The great thing is you can fix it. Don't be afraid to be yourself and look at yourself from the outside. Those things can open your eyes to what you need to do to better yourself.

So what do u think about the guy that left at the same time as me and that was skipping lanes (also speeding like crazy)? This was a coincidence?

08-07-2014, 10:29 AM
Maybe he thought you were following him.