View Full Version : Reading Festival in a couple of weeks and I'm scared of anxiety getting in the way

08-06-2014, 03:20 PM
This is my first festival and I decided to go several months ago as a challenge for prove to myself my anxiety will not get in the way of things I want to do, There's a couple of weeks before the festival and I'm really scared that my anxiety will prevent me from having a good time. I'm going with friends for the four days but seeing as I even got nervous getting the train by myself (yes I know it's stupid) I'm scared about how many people their will be, and the fact I won't feel secure there, any advice or reassurance would be greatly appreciated!

08-06-2014, 03:59 PM
focusing on these feelings already is honestly in my opinion going to lead to one of those disaster breakdowns before you even get there. Try to focus on the goal in mind, the fun youre going to have and how worth it its going to be. Think about things you can do on the way, in all reality just dont focus on the bad feelings and negativity. Sounds easier said than done, but focusing on those alone.. what do you expect to get in return? I struggle with this as well but i just do as i said above. I went to myrtle beach a couple years ago, in a car for 8 hours, for a week with someones family i have never even met before. Completely out of my zone, i was a nervous wreck in the week leading up to going but i just focused on the fun, happiness and excitement ill have when im there and i actually didnt even have but maybe 1 attack the entire week which is a hugeeee thing for me bc i have 5 or more a day sitting in my own house. Just enjoy yourself, block it out and live life my friend. You got this.